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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Hentikan Empangan Baram..!!

Tekanan terhadap pembinaan empangan Baram semakin tinggi susulan daripada maklumbalas dari penduduk asal yang telah ditimpa musibah yang sama di ulu Belaga.Pengetepian hak penduduk terumanya di Asap, Belaga ekoran pembinaan empangan Bakun menjadi iktibar yang menggerunkan penduduk asal yang berada di laluan 'pembangunan' empangan di Sarawak, dibawah program SCORE.

Di Baram umpanya, tumpuan kini adalah terhadap empangan yang akan di bini di hlu Sg Baram yang akan menenggelamkan hampir sesuku daerah Baram. Walaubagaimanapun beban menjawap bantahan ini terletak di bahu wakil rakyat, Datuk Jacob Dungau Sagan and Dennis Ngau yang baru-baru ini telah memenangi DUN Telang Usan. Isu empangan Baram ini masih tidak terjawab dan pihak berwajib masih bedolak-dalih menanggani isu ini terutamanya soal kebaikan dan keburukan projeck ini kepada penduduk asal di Baram terutamanya masyarakat Ourang Ulu.

Tekanan demi tekanan terus diberikan dalam bentuk kempen bagi memberi kesedaran kepada OU tentang kesan buruk projek ini terhadap kehidupan mereka. Difahamkan, kempen akan terus dianjurkan bagi mendapat sokongan dari semua penduduk OU yang akan terjejas untuk terus menghentikan projek ini.Keadaan sekarang nampaknya agak terhimpit dengan banyak isu besar terutamya melibatkan hak tanah adat (NCR) yang kian terhakis oleh manipulasi syarikat swasta untuk memajukan projek penaman kelapa sawit. Banyak yang berpendapat bahawa pulangan yang akan dikongsi daripada projek ini masih kabur dan lebih banyak mendatangkan keburukan daripada kebaikan.Bukan setakat itu sahaja, kini tanah sebahagian besar tanah NCR bakal ditenggelamkan.

Jadi persoalan sekarang, adakah program 'pembangunan' ini akan meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat OU dari keadaan sekarang yang rata-ratanya dibawah paras kemiskinan?. Kebergantungan penduduk OU terhadap tanah asal mereka tidak dapat dinafikan. Seratus-peratus masih bergantung secara langsung dan tak langsung hasil daripada sumber daripada tanah asal dan juga sungai Baram. Bayangkan sekiranya aset penting ini diambil daripada mereka? Adakah sumber lain yang boleh menjana sumber rezeki mereka selain daripada berhijrah ke bandar-bandar mencari peluang-peluang pekerjaan? dan bagaimana pula dengan yang tidak bependidikan dan kurang pengalaman dalam dalam keadaan pekerjaan sekarang yang semakin mencabar?

Ramai yang muak dengan perkataan 'PEMBANGUNAN' yang dikaitkan dengan projek seumpama ini. Alasan bagi 'mereka' yang berwajib sangat mudah ;
a) Empangan menyediakan peluang pekerjaan
b) Empangan mewujudkan peluang pelancongan dan menjana ekonomi penduduk setempat.
c) Empangan menjana kuasa elektrik yang mendatangkan keuntungan kepada negeri Sarawak.

Adakah kita terfikir bahawa barapa banyak peluang pekerjaan yang akan diwujudkan oleh industri Hidro ini?.Penjanaan tenaga kinetik untuk menjana kuasa elektrik adalah dari kuasa air dan tenaga manusia mungkin diperlukan untuk penyelanggaraan dan teknikal sahaja?.

Sekiranya mereka berpendapat bahawa empangan menjadi tumpuan pelancong dan pengusaha kecil-kecilan seperti membina Homestay atau mini resort, berapa ramai pengusaha yang boleh menceburkan diri dan berapa tinggi prospek keuntungan yang dikatakan boleh menjana pendapatan seluruh OU. Seterusnya, tidak perlu ada Empangan untuk menarik pelancongan.Keindahan bentuk muka bumi dan panorama hutan khatulistiwa di hulu Baram cukup mengkagumkan dan memang dari dulu lagi menarik minat pelancong.Kenapa sumber ini tidak mendapat perhatian dan dibangunkan oleh kerajaan untuk memajukan penduduk OU. Kenapa hanya di Long Bedian sahaja projek Homestay di Tenyok sahaja dimajukan oleh YB Lihan Jok (sebelum ini DUN Telang Usan)?

Memang tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa sumber kuasa eletrik boleh menjana keuntungan dan menampung keperluan penduduk Sarawak. Mengikut kiraan, sumber kuasa dari empangan Bakun sudah memadai.Kenapa perlu ada banyak lagi empangan lagi?.Di dalam kontek penduduk Baram sendiri, keuntungan yang dimaksudkan adalah keutungan negeri Sarawak, bukanya keutungan yang terus masuk poket setiap orang.Kalau dibandingkan dengan keuntungan dari sumber minyak di Miri sahaja, hasilnya berbilion-bilion.Di mana keuntungan yang dimaksudkan. Sekiranya berbilion ringgit diterjemahkan di dalam bentuk pembangunan,taraf kehidupan OU tidak seperti sekarang.

Kesedaran terhadap hak kita adalah datang dari kita sendiri. Kesedaran minda dan akal kita berfikir secara rasional, menilai dan membuat keputusan.Politik adalah tetap politik dan idea politik mungkin tidak semestinya medatangkan manfaat kepada inividu.Apa yang kita nampak adalah penyelesaian isu penting ini disalurkan melalui landasan politik yang mungkin mempunyai kepentingan tertentu. Cuma kita harapkan kepada penduduk OU supaya berfikir secara waras dan renungkan apa yang akhirnya kita akan kecapi suatu hari kelak......

Monday, July 25, 2011


25 July 2011 – for immediate release

BREAKING NEWS: Malaysia's Penan fear police crackdown against logging road blockade

Indigenous communities in Sarawak's tropical rainforests continue to defend their lands against logging - Involved logging company linked to the family of Malaysian top politician Abdul Taib Mahmud

(LONG WIN, Sarawak, Malaysia). Indigenous Penan communities in the Malaysian part of Borneo are fearing a police crackdown after having staged a logging road blockade near Long Win in Sarawak's Apoh Tutoh region. The blockade was set up to defend the communities' last remaining rainforests against logging by Rinpark Sdn Bhd, a Malaysian logging company linked to the family of Sarawak Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud ("Taib").

According to the Penan, the Malaysian police have sent a number of police officers to the blockade which had been set up in May 2011 by the villagers after Rinpark failed to live up to promises made to the community during an earlier blockade. The blockade was dismantled by the police and forestry enforcement officials yesterday (Sunday 24 July 2011) but re-erected by the locals this morning.

While the forests of Long Win, Long Bangan and nearby native communities have been logged several times already, the locals are fearing that their last forests will be cut down in order to make for oil palm plantations. "Please alert the international community on what is happening to our forests", a Penan spokesperson said to the Bruno Manser Fund. "The situation is very tense now as the police and forest department staff have set up a camp near the blockade site".

The involved logging company, Rinpark Sdn Bhd, is closely linked to the highly corrupt Malaysian Taib family. One of its directors is Azerina Mohd Arip, the first wife of Taib's late brother Arip Mahmud. Rinpark shareholder-cum-director Patrick Embol Anak Undi is also a main figure within the Taib-linked Lanco group of companies that is involved in controversial land deals in Sarawak's Balingian region.

For three decades, the Penan have struggled to defend their rainforests against logging. While the Taib family and a handful of logging tycoons have made a fortune from the cutting down of Sarawak's forests, the Penan have seen suffering from the negative consequences of the destruction of their natural environment.

– Ends –

Penan Long Win Blockade:

Location of the blockade:
Dear All,

Out of concerned on the two notices of the purported extinguishment of NCR over
land from the RGC Long Lama to the Baram Dam site which was issued by the
Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Planning and Resource Management and
published in the Borneo Post recently, I and my colleague, lawyer Mr. Abun Sui
went to the Land and Survey Dept yesterday to check on the map of the affected

We were shock to find that the said notice and the map were not displayed on
their Notice Board as required by law and also as stated in the said notices in
the Borneo Post.

When we inquired from the officials at the Counter (at 8th Floor) as to why the
said notices and map were not displayed and they told us that their Headquarters
in Kuching has not sent the notices and the map to them (Land and Survey Dept
Miri). We complained and pointed out to them that the law requires all those
claiming NCR over the lands affected to inspect the map and lodge their NCR
claims with the Land and Survey Dept within 60 days from the date of the notice
being issued. So without the map how are the people going to know whether their
NCR lands are affected? The officials said they cannot answer our question as
the notice was issued by the Ministry and the map is with their HQ in Kuching.

If this is the way how the Govt is going to implement the Baram dam, then,
we, the affected people are going to be denied any relevant and vital
information on the implementation of the dam although we are the ones affected
and who made the ultimkate sacrifices. There should be transparency by the Govt
otherwise how can we trust or believe the Govt when it promises us that the
project will benefit us.

A few of us have taken the initiative by giving a notice to the Natural
Resources and Environment Board (NREB) which will determine the approval of the
Environmental Impact Assessment Report and the Social and Environmental Audit
for the project that we as the affected people want to be given the access to
and the time to scrutinise the said reports before the NREB determines whether
or not to approve the reports. But the NREB has not replied to our said notice
until today.

For everybody's information, Taib Mahmud is the Chairman of the NREB. Yet he has
been the one that has been aggresively promoting the implementation of the dam.
Bear in mind also that its CMS which will be supplying the cement, steels, etc
for its construction. So there is clearly a conflict of interest here. But in
Sarawak/Malaysia everything is boleh because, even if you are a thief minister,
Sarawakians/Malaysians will still vote and campaign for you in or during the

Apart from this dam problem, the land problems in Baram is worsening. Taib has
divided up all the lands in Baram among all the big companies as a reward to
them providing him and the BN their election campaign funds. After taking all
the timbers from our land in Baram, they are now converting the same land into
tree plantations, planting oil palms, rubber, acacia, etc.

Five to ten years from now, our longhouses will just be pockets of islands
within and surrounded by all these plantations.

We have no pagar to protect us because the pagar we have also makan us.

Our present political leaders are just plain apple polishers or ball
carriers. Their speeches and public statements all show they are just a bunch of
defeatist, pathetic souls and opportunist at worst.

One old man from Long Liam asked, are they Wakil Rakyat or Wakil Taib Mahmud! I
asked him why? He replied, Because whenever our political leaders speak they
speak as if Taib was the one who voted for them and they are his wakil.

Many (NOT all) of our community leaders (if they can still qualify as a
"leader") are also hopeless, boneless and without ball and have sold their soul.
Like our political leaders they too colluded with and became our enemies
supporting Taib and the big companies to fight and defeat us.

Being left without a leader to lead and fight for us now, what shall we all do?
Wash our hands off and just adopt a "see and hear" no evil attitude towards all
these evil and destructive forces and just fattened our individual bank
accounts, accumulate more material wealth for ourselves and on sunday go to
church and pretend to be Godly or holy?

Despite of all the above, I still believe we the Baram people the Orang Ulus in
particular are not all fools and cowards. We are just lacking effective, firm
and courageous leaders.

So my friends, brothers and sisters, I have hope and faith that you will stand
up and be counted in this hour of need and lead as our warriors ancestors were
before. I guarantee my full support.



Saturday, May 7, 2011

"Bangkit dan Bersinarlah"

Bangkit dan bersinarlah, itulah tema seminar yang baru diadakan di Petaling Jaya pada 7 May 2011 bertempat di DUMC, Petaling Jaya. Saya terkilan dengan sambutan sambutan seminar seumpama ini yang menyentuh isu hak tanah NCR, kedudukan kristian di di bawah perlembagaan dan juga isu-isu keagamaan. Disamping itu juga program ini disajikan dengan berbagai persembahan kebudayaan dari beberapa etnik dari Sabah dan Sarawak.

Antara yang menarik perhatian di sini adalah kehadiran YB Baru Bian yang memberi ceramah tentang hak tanah adat orang asal di Sarawak. Dalam masa yang sama, beberapa solan telah diajukan yang berkisar masalah yang dihadapi penduduk asal di Sarawak terutamanya penindasan hak tanah adat oleh pihak berkuasa dan juga polisi kerajaan negeri. Di dalam kesempatan ini, saya mengetengahkan masalah umum berkenaan NCR khususnya di daerah Baram yang kini masih belum selesai. Antara lain, menyoal tentang ketelusan kerajaan negeri membuat perimeter survey terhadap semua tanah-tanah kampung termasuk tanah yang di dalam kawasan 'communal Boundary' sesebuah kampung di Baram. Walaupun di sudut yang lain, kerajaan telah memberi banyak lesen atau PL (Provisional Leasing) kepada syarikat kelapa sawit dan syarikat balak di dalam kawasan ini. Selain itu, saya juga turut mengajukan soalan mempelawa YB Baru untuk memberi cadangan apakah langkah-langkah yang seharusnya dibuat oleh generasi muda bagi memberi kesedaran hak tanah kepada penduduk kampung yang tersisih dengan sumber maklumat yang adil.

Maklum balas daripada beliau tentang persolan di atas,adalah sangat positif dan memberi inspirasi kepada generasi akan datang. Beliau juga menambah, memberi kesedaran kepada penduduk kampung mungkin mengambil masa untuk mereka benar-benar faham. Disamping itu peranan generasi muda membuat berbagai program kesedaran dan mendampingi mereka secara konsisten.

Saya amat terpegun dengan program seumpama ini boleh diadakan dengan jayanya dan mendapat sambutan yang ramai oleh warga Sabah dan Sarawak malah dari saudara dan saudari kita dari Semenanjung Malaysia. Saya juga turut tergerak hati, mengapa kita tidak aktif mengadakan program seumpama ini di Baram atau di Sarawak amnya. Sekiranya program kesedaran seumpama ini selalu diadakan, saya percaya penduduk Orang Ulu mungkin lebih terbuka dan boleh menilai, seterunya menentukan masa depan mereka sendir tanpa dipengaruhi mana-mana gimik politik.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Keputusan Pilihanraya di N67 Memihak En Denis Ngau

Pertembungan empat penjuru di TU telah berakhir bagi merebut kerusi N67. Tahniah kepada calon Barisan Nasional, En Dennis Ngau yang telah meraih 3597 undi mendahului calon PKR, En Harrison Ngau dengan 2752 undi.

Walaubagaimanapun mungkin agak terkejut apabila parti PKR diterima di kalangan masyarakat OU yang berjaya meraih undi yang banyak dan cuma kalah dengan 845 majoriti.Ini amat memeranjatkan apabila jumlah undi pro-BN adalah kurang daripada jumlah pengundi yang tidak menyokong BN. Ini bermaksud, sekiranya parti SNAP dan calon bebas tidak bertanding, kecenderungan jumlah pengundi akan memihak kepada PKR yang bukan penyokong BN. Di bawah adalah keputusan pilihanraya baru-baru ini.

(i) Harrison of PKR - 2,752;
(ii) Kebing of SNAP - 705
(iii) Jok Ding IND - 623
(iv) Dennis of BN - 3597

Kemenangan Dennis Ngau kali ini ternyata memikul tugas yang berat apabila apabila banyak agenda dan janji bekas YB Lihan Jok yang masih terbengkalai. Peningkatan undi yang memihak PKR kali ini memberi isyarat awal kebangkitan orang ulu yang inginkan perubahan dan juga ingin menghapuskan gejala rasuah. Kebangkitan suara mereka kali ini juga mungkin memberi kesan sekiranya Pilihanraya Umum diadakan selewat-lewatnya tahun 2013. Mesej awal yang ditujukan oleh pembangkang adalah menhentikan pembinaan empangan Baram dan juga menyelesaikan masalah tanah NCR yang banyak dicerobohi oleh syarikat kelapa sawit dan juga kayu balak. Walaubagaimanapun beban berat ini telah diserahkan kepada En Dennis Ngau oleh masyarakat Telang Usan pada pilihanraya baru-baru ini. Menghormati mandat yang telah diberikan kepada beliau melalui sistem demokrasi, kita akan tunggu dan lihat apa yang beliau telah buat dalam tempoh 5 tahun ini nanti.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

"Kumpulan 10"

Laporan terkini mengatakan calon BN, Dennis Ngau melancarkan kempen dengan menggunakan strategi 'Kumpulan 10' di semua rumah panjang. Ini bermaksud setiap seorang penyokong BN di rumah panjang akan mempengaruhil 10 orang pengundi berdaftar. Dikatakan Elizabeth Deng (Balu Sabit) dan juga rakan seperjuangan di dalam BN menggandakan usaha bagi menarik pengundi wanita di semua rumah panjang. Pada masa yang sama, Datuk Seri Najib akan melawat Marudi dan juga Taib ke Long Loyang, Tinjar untuk terus berkempen bagi meraih pengundi di kawasan itu.

General Prayer

God, please continue to guide and help all of us, in West and East Malaysia, to have faith and to declare Your Victory in Sarawak to restore justice and righteousness in this beloved land, that Sarawak may be a beacon of light and hope for all Malaysia.

Specific Prayer Points

God to bind all demonic forces and witchcraft from blinding and harming His candidates, campaign workers, election day workers and voters. So that His candidates will not fall into the temptation of money politics, His campaign and election day workers will work hard and smart for the candidates, and the eyes of all voters will be opened and their hearts emboldened to vote for justice.

Many Sarawak constituencies (44 out of 71) are faced with 3 or more cornered fights. With 2 days left to decide whether to withdraw or not, pray that God will grant support, strength and wisdom to all candidates fighting for justice and against corruption. Pray that God will specially protect and give resilience against evil and temptation to all candidates that He wants to stand for election. Pray especially for protection for Baru Bian and for Suriati Abdullah (who is contesting Taib). Pray that God will continue to weed out undeserving candidates.

All eyes in West and East Malaysia to be opened to the abuses of power by the present regime, all hearts to be touched by the suffering and plight of the people of Sarawak, all hands and feet to be moved to serve God’s will. That we will all be seared and will pray, move and act earnestly as His servants.
That God will inspire His faithful not to fall into the temptation of election gifts and give up their God given-power to remake the land of Sarawak in God's image. That God will move people to contact others and speak out against this curse of corruption and bribery during elections, refuse election handouts, and instead be brave and vote for reforms and justice.

God to unite, protect and strengthen all candidates, their campaigners and supporters who are fighting selflessly for justice and integrity in Sarawak. That God will bless them abundantly in the days leading up to polling day and help all their plans and movements.

God will raise sufficient polling and counting agents who will do His work for a free and fair election. That, wherever they may be in Sarawak or elsewhere, they will volunteer in droves to serve as polling agents and counting agents for justice.

God will convict many Sarawakians who are currently out of their home state to return in droves to vote. For those can return but are financially tight, that God will raise donors to provide financially.

That God will move the hearts of all His faithful to reach out to their family and friends in Sarawak (daily via phone calls, SMS, e-mails, Facebook or Skype) to urge them to vote fearlessly for change and justice; to hasten the establishment of God's Kingdom of Peace, Love and Justice here in Sarawak beginning April 16.

God will cause voters to turn out in full force on April 16 to vote for the establishment of God’s Kingdom of Peace, Love and Justice here in Sarawak beginning April 16.

God will provide the much needed transport to voters in the hinterlands who want to vote for justice and integrity. God will move the hearts of those who own vehicles to commit their vehicles to God’s purpose to bring voters all over Sarawak to polling centres.

God will neutralise the bad effects of postal votes so that those votes will not affect justice and integrity and the establishment of His candidate in each constituency.

God will provide enough funds to all candidates, campaigners and workers who are working according to His will and purposes for Sarawak.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"A good Samaritan"

They will come again with a lot of cash in hand pretending a "Good Samaritan" in Baram.Beware of this money politic who can steal everything from you and return with "a gift" when they re-seek power.The modus operandi remain the same when they start to regain support from the poor. Share some few words from Mr Harrison Ngau about the matter long before the election.

(Retrieved from STU archived email: A message from Harrison to a sender)

From:harrison ngau

check whether all your family members and the young people from your longhouse have registered as voters. If anyone of them has not registered, then ask them to register immediately. They can just bring their IC to any of the Post Offices and ask to be registered.

Keep informing or educating our family members, other longhouse folks and friends and colleagues about the need to VOTE OUT the BN in the coming State Election. Explain to them why, give them all the reasons.

And during the coming State Election, everyone of us must go back to our respective longhouses to campaign and volunteer to do other works against the BN. This is a must because, the only tool BN will use will be MONEY and PROJECTS kilat (instant projects) to buy votes. We have to tell voters, just take the money and projects but DO NOT vote for BN.

Also identify who work or campaign for BN in your longhouse or area. Study their strategies, strength and weaknesses. Discredit these people in the eyes of our people so that they would not be effective during or in their campaign.

Now BN people are already moving around in the longhouses, using govt resources eg e-kasih, projek ibu tunggal and so forth to win the peoples heart/support. We must advice our people to receive all these but tell them NOT to vote for BN during the election.


From: harrison ngau


This is the very sad state of affairs of christians nowadays, reduced to beggars begging from those who exploited them. This is the end of time and the bible actually warns us of many evils that will come to tempt us so as to misled us from God.

Remember, the bible says "man does not live by bread alone"? And that even the birds that do not cultivate (farm) or have a job (work) like us are also fed or blessed by God. So we should keep our faith in God. Do what is right according to His words, i.e trust Him to provide for us not PUSAKA KTS!!! where in the end we have to surrender our customary land which God bless us with to PUSAKA KTS!!

Brother Harrison

En Harrison Ngau berkongsi pengalaman

Mesej di bawah pernah dihantar oleh En Harrison Ngau kepada OU melalui email...

Thu, 01 Oct 2009 10:19:27 +0800

Subject: Sharing and learning from past experiences

Dear All,

Its very interesting and indeed refreshing to hear and read of our diverse views and comments on the decision of and action by our penan brothers and sisters in "re-setting" their blockades and on the so-called dialogue held between them and YB Lihan Jok, the Resident of Miri Division and the Ketua Polis Daerah Baram recently on the same subject.

In 1987, I was working with the Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) (environmental organisation) Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM) based in Marudi, Baram and it was at our office there that the penans came to lodge the same complaints that they were making today which forced them to set up their blockades then, which complaints concerned the blatant disrespect for their rights over their lands and forests, the pollution of their rivers, disappearance of wildlife which they hunt, the intimidations from gangsters paid by the companies whenever they try to protest, damages done to their burial grounds, the bias of the government against them in favour of the companies, ignoring their complaints as above, etc.

SAM repeatedly wrote appeal letters on their behalf to the govt, the Chief Minister, our elected reps in Council Negeri and Parliament but was also ignored.

In July, 1987, I led a delegation comprising representatives of not only the penans but also of the Ibans, Kayans, Kenyahs, Kelabits and Lun Bawang
to meet with Federal Ministers including the then Deputy Prime Minister, the late Ghafar Baba. We also met with the IGP, Tun Haniff Omar and top army officials of the country at Bukit Aman and had a very lavish lunch with them there.

During the meetings held with all the above, we told them that the problems as above affect every native communities in Sarawak not just the penans. Everyone of them promised to help to look into the problems.

NONE OF THEM TOLD US that it is an offence to put up blockade on our customary land. The IGP in fact told us that its not for the police to decide who has right over the land in dispute. That is for the court to decide.

In fact, for the record, all those arrested by the police and the Forest Department for putting up the blockades and who were defended by the lawyers were all acquitted and discharged by the courts.

After we came back to Sarawak, many of our people put up blockades like the penans.

I was visited by a lot of company managers and their towkays who tried to offer me and my family large sum of money. Some even brought fruits to
our house.

My answer to them was simple and standard. "The land where the blockades are set up are not my land. So even if you pay me money, I have no authority to ask those who put up the blockades to dismantle them. Its their lands and only them can decide whether or not to dismantle their blockades."

There was one General Manager who came all the way from Sibu who cried (probably only shedding crocodile tears)in front of me after I told him I cannot go with him to one of the blockade sites affecting their company as I don't want to be accused of being bought by the company.

Officials of the companies also tried to seduce me with luxurious food and drinks, holidays and beautiful women of different nationalities.

Gangsters were also unhappy with me but I couldn't be bothered with them.

Many of our own people, particularly, our Ketua Masyarakat, Ketua Kaum and political leaders humiliated me in many ways and on many occasions. They said, "if Harrison is such a good man, why can't he help his own parents and family first. He is just an empty tin". Of course, it was and is a fact that, my parents and family was the poorest and most trodden in my longhouse, Kampung Long Kesseh.

And of course, being so poor and as human being, working only with an NGO and yet still dare to get married at that time, I was many many times tempted to get the money dangled to me by the companies, mind you, they were in big bundles (of hundred ringgits!)

But somehow, my heart keeps telling me, "never mind GOD is fair and just."

I hate to also think that if I receive the money from the companies and buy say a house, how would I feel everyday living in this type of house knowing I got it from the companies. I would be tormented with guilt everyday.

But thing even got worst for me after that. The in famous "Operation Lallang"(ISA arrests) took place in October, 1987 and I was one of those arrested during that operation accused of instigating our people to go against loggings.

I was detained for full 60 days. Interrogated by 12 officers from different sections of the police special branch for 2 to 3 weeks. They also went through the files they seized from SAM office on the day I was arrested.

On the 60th day of my detention, I was brought to see the Director of the Special Branch Sarawak, Datuk Lee Seong Mei, a Sabahan chinese who told me I would be send back to Marudi. I told him this, "Tuan, I have been your guest for 60 days and now you want to send me back but nobody told me what I have done wrong". His reply was, "Harrison, if I am in your position, I would also do the same thing".

After our meeting, the police sent me to stay in one of the hotels in Kuching as Mahathir the PM and Home Minister at that time has yet to sign my "Restricted Residence Order" restricting my movement to Marudi for 2 years but which was revoked after about 1 year. That night they brought me to a night club around 9.00 pm and we came back around 4.00 am. There were taiwanese, thai, filipino women in the club and one chinese businessman footed all the bills! I was wondering whether he was one of the tycoons.

About one month after my release, the former Baram District Officer, Richard Pahang came to my house one morning saying the State Secretary (SS) Tan Sri Bujang Nor wanted to see me. So I went with him to the District Office Marudi and saw the SS there with the former Resident of Miri, Stephen Jussem and all the Ketua Masyarakat of Baram. SS told the Ketua Masyarakat that he wants to meet with me first before he talk to them.

Some of our Ketua Masyarakat were stunt and confused with some I heard exclaiming " the govt just arrested and detained him, now the SS meeting with him".

During the meeting, SS asked me to work with the govt and I said I cannot. He asked why not? I said, the govt is the cause of our problems and I went on to explain why. He told me that is why I need to join the govt to help solve the problems. I assured him that even if I am outside of the govt, I am prepared to help and that there is no point even if I join the govt but the govt doesn't want to listen or to change its ways of doing thing I won't be of help. He asked me what the govt need to do to solve the problems of our people. I told him to gazette the communal land boundary of all the longhouses or Kampungs and penan settlements so that there would not be any dispute over land or boundary of land in future. I also told him that the Brookes and British started and encouraged that during their time so there is no reason why our own govt cannot do even better than them. But he said its difficult. I said its a question of political will on the part of
the govt and that it could be done phase by phase or area by area and if every year the govt can gazette the communal land boundaries in one Division within 10 or 15 years, the govt would have gazetted the land boundaries in all the adminstrative Divisions of Sarawak.

I also proposed the State Govt allocate specific budget for the purpose and that after gazetting the communal land boundaries, the next step is to survey individual plots of individual NCR land within the communal land boundary of the longhouse and issue individual document of title to the individual owners. As for the shared area outside of the individual plots but within the communal land boundary of the longhouse, the govt should issue the title in the name of the longhouse.

In relating my abovesaid experiences, it is my earnest and fervent hope that all of us will learn something about our individual weaknesses, limitations, how people who want to grab our land and our resources in it divide, rule and manipulate us often particularly targetting our political and community leaders.

And most important of all, why we all must stay united, fight our enemies together, be brave because we are not here robbing other people of their rights or property but merely defending or protecting what are rightfully ours. We must learn how to detect or identify and handle enemies among us as our enemies will always try to recruit and use (or abuse)our own people
to fight against us.

A few things I also learned were that, when you want to help our own people to defend or protect our land or rights, you will be demonised, ostracised, branded a traitor to our country, being anti-govt or anti development or tools of foreign NGOs jealous of our country etc. etc in the local newspapers, in the radio and TV by those having vested interests or those who are after our land and resources. Some of our own political leaders who are "apple polishers" will be their local agents to mount all these accusations against you and I. Their strategy is to frightens our own people from supporting our cause so that we are weakened and left alone in our fight to defend and protect our lands and our resources.

Mark my words, all the big companies will unite with these enemies among us using money and threat to get or buy our votes during the coming state election.

Would you still give the key of your house to the thief?

May God Bless You All and guides and gives His wisdom and protection and courage to all of us and to our penan brothers and sisters at their blockades.

Harrison Ngau Laing

Do Not Vote for Barisan National/PBB's "Toilet Papers"

I received attached flier from one important source may mean for Telang Usanian to distribute to as many as possible to all Telang Usanians, at every long houses in the Baram.
The distribution could be through emails (at mass distribution), fax, printing-posters to show that you care for Baram/Telang Usan.

For me being a concern Telang Usanian working at the other side of the world, I do believe that having another "hayu kah" (Mr Yes man), Barisan National/PBB's "toilet papers" giving to the poor people in Baram or Belaga is not appropriate in the development of ones country. Sad facts, yet there are still a lot of innocent OU who are not told on the barbaric motives of the Barisan National. It is our responsible to cascade the facts to this group of innocent OU to see of Barisan National have no proof of their achievements in Baram since 1963. No background of theirs is much told so for me, this Barisan National political systems did not bring any development instead robbed our NCR lands for their ill gotten wealth to fulfill their bank accounts under the name development, must STOP..!!!

They (Barisan National) used some crabs as YB Lihan Jok and Dennis Ngau Jok as their baits, who are indeed in actual facts as Taib Mahmud's "toilet papers".

As I've mentioned in my ealier emails; there is no different between Lihan Jok and Dennis Ngau Jok. In this time round, Dennis Ngau Jok is being used by Taib Mahmud in order to stay strong in power to steal our NCR lands and in billion dollars profits in the implementing the 2 Baram Dams, at Tutoh and Long Kesih respectively.
Well, I am against Dennis Ngau Jok…Why? It's because he is the descendant of evil Barisan National, of not successful politicians have no proof of their achievements who are bunch of robbers, thieves, worship "bomoh", devil worshipers.

Check this link to proof the Barisan National, the incumbent YBs, Ministers are devil worshipers;

We must claim Sarawak into the hand of God the Almighty. HE is our Savior, our Redeemer and died on the cross and victory over satan the deceiver.

To vote for Barisan National, Dennis Nagu Jok is to vote for 'bomoh', 'idol worship', 'sacrificing with chicken's blood', principalities that will give DISASTER in the whole of Baram. Our NCR Land will be called "State land", our children will have no land, home and they are force to work as cheap labour or "makan gaji" at the oil palm plantation of LKTS, Ribunan Hijau or Shing Yang Plantations, etc. If we Telang Usanians are not carefull with our vote, the once mighty Baram will be blocked and the whole of upper Baram from Long Kesih up to Lio Mato will be submerged under water and the rest will be history to be known to our next generation as 'once there was people in Baram called the Kayan, Kenyah, Penan, etc'.

Bothers & Sisters, ladies & gentlemen, my friends, let it be told and be accepted by all that responsibility does not lie in Barisan National alone, it is in your hands in my hands, in the hands of all Sarawakian and Malaysian alike who in the dark horizon of this country's paradoxes is like a shooting star, streaking across and brightening the sky.

We promise not to let this Country Sarawak as once claimed by the 2nd Rajah - Rajah Charles Broke as "priceless lands" to fall into a wrong hand of Barisan National especially into the hands of Taib Mahmud and his family member, elites/cronies. We have given Taib Mahmud and his Barisan National more than enough times - donkey 30 years to develop Sarawak, until today we have not seen result. There's nothing pleasant we receives from this regime in returned.
We Dayaks in general are frustrated, we are still living in serious poverty, not basic facilities given by the Barisan National government, we still live on drinking, cooking with muddy water from the rivers/streams, no electricity, no telephone line.
We cannot give this regime another day to ruin our livelihood.

Our focus is on helping the Sarawak people to improve their livelihood and return to the Dayak people all what has been stolen by the regime of Barisan National, "Old-Goat-Father-Abdul Taib Mahmud" and his cronies.

Let's join our hands in building our Country Sarawak WE DESERVE, WE LOVE.
We are not asking them to teach us how we should live our Christian faith, we are not asking to build churches or chapels at every schools or hospitals, we are not asking for Christianity as national religion, we are not asking what foods we should order in restaurant. We are asking Barisan National to stop conficate our Bible the source of our faith and to recognize our Christianity and respect my beleive for my Lord Jesus Christ.

I've booked my airtciket to arrive Miri on March 11, I am coming back home to Telang Usan to provide my contribution in our struggles to achieve our goal - the fair government policies I've learned from developed countries' policies while working oversea, on what I truly believes, what I've seen and read is the person blessed by the Lord for the people is MR. HARRISON NGAU.


I've convinced one of your most hated person in the email to join in my team of PR/PKR for the campaign at N67, he is non other than "Bavui Uve" who is ready to move, no matter what it takes to SAFE SARAWAK from the jaw of Barisan National; " Toilet Paper - Dennis Ngau Jok".





Burak S. Sem

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Kembalikan Hak Rakyat..!

Hari ini Pakatan Rakyat di Sarawak akan mengedarkan buletin bertajuk 'Kembalikan Hak Rakyat' yang mengandungi manifesto PR yang dijanjikan dilaksanakan sekiranya tiga parti di bawah PR , DAP, PKR dan PAS memenangi pilihan raya Sarawak kali ini. Antara langkah awal yang dijangka dilakukan adalah penubuhan Suruhanjaya Tanah,kebebsan beragama dalam semua bahasa dan juga berjanji memberi peruntukan RM400 sebulan kepada warga emas.

Bagi nenanggani masalah kadar kemiskinan tegar, satu tabung khas RM 1 bilion akan ditubuhkan. Disamping itu juga penambahbaikan sistem pentadbiran yang sedia ada juga turut diperkenalkan berlandaskan sistem petadbiran yang 'competence, transparency and accountibility' seperti yang diamalkan di 4 negeri yang diperintah oleh PR di Semenanjung Malaysia.Kekusutan isu berhubung tanah NCR (Native Customary Right), pencerobohan tanah oleh syarikat kroni dan juga isu berhubung dengan Alkitab munkin memaksa BN terpaksa bekerja keras menyangkal semua dakwaan ini. Pada masa yang sama, perkembangan terkini yang melibatkan hak orang asal di Sarawak tersebar secara meluas di laman internet.

Kempen yang dilancarkan oleh PR dengan mengemukakan langkah awal bagi menanggani masalah penduduk Sarawak umumnya mungkin mendapat maklum balas yang positif. Perkara ini mungkin dilihat sebagai satu peluang besar bagi PR memenangi hati rakyat ekoran kegagalan pentadbiran yang sedia ada menanggani isu lapuk ini. Sekiranya manifesto yang dikemukakan ini benar-benar dilaksanakan, mungkin ia boleh memmberi sedikit kelegaan kepada penduduk orang asal yang pada masa ini agak tertekan dengan masalah tanah NCR, kemunduran kemudahan infrastruktur,dan juga kemiskinan tegal terutama di kawasan luar bandar. Di negeri yang diperintah oleh PR banyak janji yang telah dilaksanakan seperti air percuma, peruntukan RM1000 ringgit bagi menampung perbelanjaan anak ke Universiti dan juga setiap kematian dan juga rawatan percuma bagi warga emas di Hospital kerajaan. Keadaan sebaliknya menimpa penduduk Sarawak yan tinggal di kawasan pedalaman seperti di kawasan Baram.Keadaan jalan raya utama yang menghubungi Miri ke kawasan-kawasan pendalaman masih berlopak dan tidak terurus sejak berdekat-dekat lamanya. Bagitu juga dengan peruntukan air bersih dan juga sumber kuasa elektrik yang diharapkan terkubur sampai sekarang.

Sebaik sahaja DUN Sarawak dibubarkan, limpahan janji ditaburkan oleh kerajaan memerintah sekarang bagi memenangi semula hati rakyat. Berjuta-juta ringgit dikatakan akan diperuntukan bagi tujuan pembangunan namun langkah ini dilihat sebagai tidak ikhlas dan bukanya perjuangan BN yang sebenar tetapi hanya sekadar mengubat hati orang asal yang telah lama terluka akibat sistem pentadbiran yang tidak telus dan bocor dengan gejala rasuah selama ini. Masalah ini tidak akan selesai meskipun BN kembali memerintah sekiranya pilihanraya pada 16 April ini. Beribu-ribu hektar tanah NCR telah tergadai atas nama pembangunan oleh syarikat kroni untuk tujuan penanaman kelapa sawit. Penduduk kampung yang hanya menandatangi perjanjian JV dengan syarikat ini kelak akan berputih mata apabila hak mereka dipinggirkan dalam tempoh 99 ahun PL (provisional leasing)di atas tanah mereka.

Kemunculan PR yang di Sarawak mungkin dilihat elemen laur yang cuba menyusup masuk ke Sarawak. Walaubagaimanapun misi politik adalah amat jelas bagi mempertahankan hak rakyat dan mengembalikan semua hak rakyat yang telah dirompak oleh orang-orang politik dan juga kroni.Sekiranya PR Sarawak memenangi pilihanraya ini, kepimpinan negeri juga masih diterajui oleh orang Sarawak sendiri yang berwibawa dan bebas dari rasuah. Ini sama juga dengan dominasi parti PBB di Sarawak yang juga proxy kepada UMNO. Sekerinya PKR dilihat sebagai elemen luar, bagaimana pula dengan UMNO..? Jika Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dikatakan orang luar, bagaimana pula dengan Datuk Seri Najib yang berasal dari Pekan, Pahang?

Pemerhatian awal di DUN Telang Usan khasnya, menampakan kemunculan suara-suara anak-anak muda lantang. Pada kempen pilihanraya kali ini, ramai anak muda telah mula memberi sokongan kepada parti PKR yang diwakili oleh peguam orang ulu yang terkenal dan pernah menyandang Parlimen Baram suatu ketika dahuulu,En Harrsion Ngau.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Kekuatan BN di Telang Usan.

Menyedari hakikat bahawa pengundi luar bandar yang terdiri daripada penduduk tetap di kampung dan golongan tua, pihak BN benar yakin bahawa bahawa mereka adalah 'fix deposit' dan penentu kepada kemenangan mereka di kawasan luar bandar. Kenyataan dilihat sebagai benar disebabkan golongan ini adalah golongan yang tersisih daripada arus informasi dan hanya disalurkan dengan media arus perdana yang nyata menyebelahi satu pihak sahaja.

Di kawasan luar Bandar seperti di Baram,boleh dikatakan rata-rata penduduk tetap di kampung adalah golongan tua yang berdaftar sebagai pengundi yang sah. Difahamkan juga pemuda yang tinggal di kampung adalah penganggur dan juga mereka yang berkerja di kem kayu balak yang berhampiran. Pada pilihanraya yang sudah, apabila tiba masa pembuangan undi, kelibat golongan orang muda sangat sedikit kerana kurang kesedaran tentang hak mereka. Ini adalah kerana ramai dikialangan mereka yang tidak berdaftar.Secara ringkasnya, boleh dikatakan bahawa undi penentu adalah dari golongan tua yang tidak berpelaran. Disamping itu juga, mereka kurang sumber maklumat yang adil bagi membuat penilaian parti mana dan calon mana yang benar-benar boleh dipercayai. Sebaliknya, apa yang nyata sekali mereka banyak didedahkan dengan maklumat yang berat sebelah walaupun keadaan pembangunan sosial dan ekonomi jauh ketinggalan di bandingkan dengan masyarakat bandar dan juga penduduk di Semenanjung Malaysia.Peruntukan sedikit sumbangan pada masa dekat dengan pilihanraya sudah cukup memenuhi kehendak mereka dan mengatakan bahawa itulah yang dikatakan 'kemajuan' sebenar.

Kemunculan media baru seperti internet telah menyangkal bahawa kerajaan memerintah tidak sekuat mana di kawasan luar bandar. Ini juga menggalakan limpahan suara anak muda yang impikan perubahan dalam suasana politik di Telang Usan dan Sarawak amnya. Namun pada hakikatnya, keadaan ini tidak mengundang perubahan politik kerana kuasa berada di tangan pengundi, iaitu pengundi luar bandar yang rata-ratanya golongan tua.Baru-baru ini, media memaparkan hampir 40 ribu anak Sarawak di Johor tidak dapat pulang mengundi. Golongan ini termasuk anak-anak muda yang menetap di bandar yang sibuk dengan kerja. Bila tiba saat keputusan pilihanraya diumumkan, suara-suara anak muda ini tidak kedengaran disebabkan hanya tidak mendaftar dan tidak mengundi sebaliknya mandat akan ditentukan oleh orang tua mereka di kampung.PERKARA INI ADALAH HAKIKAT SEBENAR BAGI PENGUNDI DI KAWASAN LUAR BANDAR. Oleh sebab itu, BN menyedari hakikat ini dan percaya mereka akan terus menawan kerusi di Telang Usan dan banyak kawasan pedalaman lain di Sarawak. Usaha untuk mengubah keyakinan penduduk luar bandar kepada parti politik yang lain dalam masa yang singkat adalah satu usaha yang sangat sukar.

Kini, faktor kemenangan mungkin berpihak kepada BN kerana nampaknya mereka berjaya mengunci minda orang kampung kerana golongan inilah yang akan menjadi penentu. Tidak kisahlah banyak kebangkitan suara anak muda yang hanya menyalak di media internet namun BN tetap dengan strateginya terus mengunci pemikiran orang-orang yang boleh memberi mandat kepada mereka. Kemunculan En Harisson Ngau dari PKR di Telang Usan nampaknya memikul tugas yang besar bagi memberi keyakinan dan mengubah 'mindset' Orang Ulu di kawasan itu. Walaubagaimanapun, harapan masih bersandar kepada pihak pembangkang bagi memberi tentangan dan memberi kesedaran kepada Orang Ulu yang telah lama lena di bawah payung BN dan cengkaman bekas DUN Telang Usan, YB Lihan Jok.

A light at the end of the tunnel

Some reported statement retrieved from The Malaysia Insider foresee the wind of change in Sarawak politic

Dr Faizal Syam Hazis of Universiti Malaysia Sarawak said the 29 contentious seats comprised of 15 Chinese majority seats and 14 seats in Iban, Malay/Melanau, Bidayuh and Orang Ulu areas.

The Chinese seats include all six DAP seats (Pending, Kidurong, Bukit Assek, Batu Lintang, Kota Sentosa and Meradong), Parti Keadilan Rakyat’s lone seat of Padungan, and Ngemah held by Parti Cinta Malaysia.

Faisal said the low support among Chinese voters towards the BN threatens the future of the Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP), the second largest party in Sarawak BN.

“Even Piasau is not safe anymore,” says Faisal referring to the seat held by Deputy Chief Minister and SUPP president Tan Sri Dr George Chan.

Another panellist, Prof Dr Jayum Jawan, said although much has been made of Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud’s unpopularity in the media, the issue will not resonate with rural voters.

“The real issue is about Sarawak being left out of the mainstream of development. Development has largely benefitted the Malays, Chinese and Indians in the peninsula but not Sarawakians,” said Jayum of Universiti Putra Malaysia.

The Malay/Melana Jayum explains will not vote against Abdul Taib as he is seen as “one of their own” while Iban voters will be loyal to their politicians.

“Corruption, abuse of power, good governance, these are issues that are alien to the longhouses,” said Jayum.

Despite Sarawak’s oft-repeated boast that it has better race relations than the Peninsula, residents are still influenced by concerns of communal survival when they cast their votes.

“If you look at the Malay/Melanau vote they are motivated by a feeling of not wanting to rock the [boat],” said UiTM’s Assoc Prof Shaharuddin Badaruddin.

Malay/Melanaus, he said, were worried of losing control of the state via Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB), the largest component party of Sarawak BN.

Ibrahim Sufian of the Merdeka Center said though the “winds of change” are blowing in Sarawak, they will not blow hard enough to unseat the BN.

“We are not going to see a sea-change after April 16,” he said.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

En Harrison Ngau Disahkan Bertanding

Baru Bian mengesahkan En.Harrison Ngau akan bertanding dalam pilihanraya negeri pada 16 April ini. Baru-baru ini mereka membuat lawatan di Long Bemang, Tutoh Apoh bagi meninjau sokongn rakyat di sana. Kebangkitan Harisson kali ini di bawah bendera PKR mungkin memberi suntikan semangat penduduk OU yang lantang menentang penindasan terutama hak tanah mereka.

Walaubagaimanapun di pihak BN, calon yang akan bertanding belum dimuktamatkan lagi. Namun ada berpendapat bahawa En Dennis Ngau mungkin dipilih walaupun nama veteran politik seperti Robert Laing juga sering disebut-sebut. Besar kemungkinan pertembungan kali ini adalah tiga penjuru apabila Kebing Wan dari SNAP juga turut mengesahkan pecalonan beliau.

Kemunculan En Harisson kali ini boleh dilihat sebagai usaha terakhir mempertahankan hak orang asal terutamanya hak tanah orang asal. Disamping itu juga, ini akan menghangatkan lagi bantahan OU terhadap pembinaan empangan bakun dan memberi tekanan kepada projek jalan raya utama iaitu jalan LAPOK yang masih terbengkalai. Penglibatan beliau juga sebagai peguam yang selama ini banyak membawa kes-kes tanah ke mahkamah dilihat sebagai individu yang benar-benar mewakili penduduk yang ditindas hasil daripada projek-projek penanaman kelapa sawit yang didalangi oleh kroni kerajaan BN dan Taib.

Sebagai pemerhatian awal, En Harrison Ngau mempunyai peluang yang cerah menawan hati OU yang kini agak tertekan. Mungkin juga sumbangan dan ceramah politik dari pihak BN di saat-saat akhir memberi kesan namun apa-apa pun boleh berlaku sekiranya di satu pihak lagi usaha dilipat gandakan bagi memberi kesedaran kepada OU dan membuat keputusan secara waras sebelum memangkah undi pilihan mereka.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Harapan Penampilan PKR Vs BN di Telang Usan

Kurang dua minggu lagi untuk hari penamaan calon,ramai lagi yang tertanya-tanya siapakah yang akan bertanding merebut kerusi di DUN Telang Usan. Di pihak BN, nama Dennis Ngau dan Robert Laing menjadi bualan. Ada juga yang berpendapat bahawa besar kemungkinan bahawa tanggungjawab ini akan diberi kepada Dennis Ngau.Di satu pihak pula, En Kebing Wan telah awal-awal mengesahkan bahawa beliau akan bertanding walau dalam keadaan mana sekalipun di bawah bendera SNAP.

Pengesahan dari En Kebing ternyata memberi peluang besar kepada BN mengaut undi majoriti di Telang Usan sekiranya parti pembakang yang lain turut mengesahkan bertanding. Ini adalah kerana keadaan ini akan memecah undi OU dan BN mungkin mengambil peluang melaga-lagakan SNAP dengan PKR mahupun DAP. Di pihak pembangkang pula, kepercayaan terhadap SNAP agak pudar apabila ada tuduhan mengatakan bahawa SNAP adalah proxy UMNO di Sarawak.Sekiranya tuduhan ini benar, pembangkang seharusnya mengatur langkah sendiri bagi mengelak perlakuan lompat parti dan mungkin melumpuhkan usaha untuk menawan DUN Sarawak. Seperkara dengan ini, penglibatan En Kebing Wan dalam arena politik adalah agak 'membosankan' kerana populariti,latar belakang dan usia beliau. Ada yang tertaya-tanya apakah tujuan dan objektif beliau jika di lihat dari faktor usia dan latar belakang politik beliau yang tidak sehebat mana.

Dalam keadaan sekarang, parti pembangkang yang lain (PKR & DAP) harus tampil memberi cabaran kepada BN dan membawa suara rakyat yang tenggelam selama ini. Sebelum nama calon diumumkan pada 6 March ini, saya masih optimistik bahawa bahawa nama En Harrison Ngau mungkin sekali lagi dihebahkan di Telang Usan.Ada ura-ura mengatakan bahawa beliau ataupun seorang lagi anak muda, En Rolland Engan akan bertanding dari tiket PKR. Penampilan kedua En Harisson di pentas politik Telang Usan mungkin memberi sedikit semangat dan inspirasi kepada OU bagi mengetengahkan kesusahan dan penindasan mereka. Kemunculan En Harrison sebagai peguam dan aktivis alam sekitar peguam amatlah tepat pada masanya kerana OU sekarang berdepan dengan masalah perampasan tanah NCR oleh syarikat kelapa sawit dan juga pembinaan empangan Baram. Harapan untuk membawa suara mereka ke pihak kerajaan negeri adalah tinggi bagi menghentikan segala penindasan hak mereka sebagai orang asal.

Oleh itu, harapan kini hanya disandarkan kepada parti pembangkang sama ada PKR ataupun DAP bagi mempersoalkan ketidakcekapan pentadbiran yang sedia ada.Ini amat jelas dinyatakan di dalam misi untuk mengembalikan semua hak orang asal dan menghapuskan segala rasuah dan syarikat kroni yang rakus merampas tanah asal OU di Baram. Bagi En Kebing Wan di bawah payung SNAP pula, kini tiba masanya untuk mengundur diri bagi memberi laluan kepada generasi baru membawa cabaran dan inspirasi baru untuk OU. Oleh itu, kami OU mengambil kesempatan memberi terima kasih kepada beliau selama penglibatan beliau di dalam arena politik dan kini masanya untuk berehat dan terus bersara.Kemunculan kali ini mungkin agak terlambat dan tidak seperti di zaman kegemilangan lagi, ianya mungkin hanya sekadar bertanding dan tidak mempunyai misi yang jauh kerana faktor usia.Harapan di Telang Usan ingin melihat pertembungan satu lawan satu antara BN Vs PKR mahupun DAP. Memandangkan DAP sinonim dengan kaum Cina, mungkin PKR boleh membawa cabaran besar berdepan dengan BN.

Akhir sekali,sekali lagi STU mengucapkan selamat mengundi dan pilihan di tangan OU bagi memberi mandat 5 tahun lagi.

Friday, March 25, 2011

SNAP Pembelot ?

Below is one of the comment posted in the Sarawak Report (SR) with regard to SNAP’s Deal with BN – The Damning Evidence! allegation.

Let me said this LOUD and CLEAR. If not for Sarawak Report the destruction of Ulu Sebangan NCR lands by Quality Concrete Holdings, partly own by Taib’s relatives, would have not been exposed. 100% of this story is true. Clare Rewcastle came to Ulu Sebangan to cover the story herself. She did this because she cares and you people can only speculated and complained from you computer keyboard!!!

What have you all done to help the Ibans lately?

The rest of SNAP people keep quiet while my brother Numpang Suntai and 5 Tuai Rumah were jailed. Neither Edwin Dundang nor Stanley Jugol ever said a word about my brother’s fight to protect our NCR land in Ulu Sebangan. They NEVER show any kind of support in WORD or DEED.

Daniel Tajem was my father’s friend and he too was quiet while the Sebuyau and Sebangan Ibans were fighting against Taib’s cronies and relatives.

When my brother was charged with “criminal intimidation” none of SNAP leaders ever show any kind of support or say anything. It was PKR folks, Baru Bian, See Chee How and Desmond Kho who took this case for my relatives in Sebangan and have been fighting along side us ever since. There was only ONE lone Iban lawyer, Henry Joseph who came all the way to see my father in Sebangan and offer support.

Yesterday I called my father who happened to remember the Sarawak Report’s reporter in this story. I told him to spread the word that a vote for SNAP is a vote for BN/UMNO.

So far SNAP is not contesting in Sebuyau N22 and if they do, I we will tell them to go to hell for betraying us.

Come election time, politicians crawl out like maggots from all over the place and want to get elected to “serve” the people but none of them ever really served the people. BN/UMNO is slowly taking Sarawakians’ rights and none of them every fought to change the bullying laws in the Dewan. All keep quiet and did nothing! Then they all became rich overnight. None of the SNAP folks every helped us while we were fighting to protect our NCR properties in Ulu Sebangan and only election they will show up! Maggots!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Isu Hangat Di DUN Telang Usan

Di pihak BN, bakal pengganti kepada YB Lihan telah dihebahkan di media tempatan dan juga di internet dan besar kemungkinan diganti oleh Cr Dennis Ngau . Di satu pihak pula, En Kebing Wan (dari SNAP) telah memberi kenyataan awal bahawa beliau akan bertanding di DUN Telang Usan. Seperkara lagi, Setiausaha Agung SNAP, Stanly Jugol menggesa bahawa bahawa SNAP akan menggalas cabaran di kawasan majoriti kaum Dayak. Perkara ini mungkin menyuntik semangat bagi veteran politik En Kebing Wan (dai SNAP) untuk kembali lagi bertanding. Walaubagaimanapun, faktor usia dan latar belakang politik mungkin menjejaskan sedikit populariti beliau di daerah Baram. Komen secara rawak yang sering dilemparka di media internet teryata tidak menyebelahi beliau atas faktor yang dinyatakan terutamanya anak muda sekarang yang inginkan pembaharuan dan juga inginkan pemimpin berdarah muda dan mempunyai inspirasi tinggi bagi membawa perubahan. Mungkin nama veteran politik seperti Kebing Wan tidak mendapat daya penarik kepada pengundi kaum muda kerana seolah-olah tidak selari dengan perjuangan reformasi politik dan juga ekonomi. Mungkin perkembangan di daerah Baram memberi sedikti kredit kepada parti pembangkang yang bertanding terutama pada masa kehangatan isu tanah NCR, Empangan Baram dan kemunduran kemudahan infrastruktur. Walaubagaimanapun rakyat mungkin tidak mempunyai pilihan selain memangkah dacing sekiranya calon di satu pihak lagi tidak diperkenankan. Keadaan ini juga akan bertambah parah sekiranya pertindihan kerusi yang ingin direbut oleh parti-parti pembangkan tidak diselesaikan dengan segera. Ada juga yang mengatakan bahawa DAP dan PKR mungkin akan mengintai peluang.
Sekiranya pihak pembangkang mempunyai calon yang disegani dan ada persefahaman, saya percaya BN dapat ditumbangkan dengan mudah di DUN Telang Usan. Maksud saya di sini, adalah tepat pada masanya apabila isu berikut diperdebatkan:

1. Isu empangan Baram di Hulu Baram, sudah cukup mengalih sokongan sesuku daripada Orang Ulu di sebelah ulu Baram yang akan terjejas dengan empangan Baram. Ini mungkin melibatkan kampung dari Long Laput hingga ke hulu Baram. Rasionalnya, adakah OU yang terjejas dengan empangan Baram akan memangkah BN sekiranya mereka sedar tindakan ini akan merelakan projek empangan ini diteruskan dan menenggelamkan kampung halaman dan isi bumi di hulu Baram?

2. 1/2 daripada penduduk Orang Ulu yang terjejas dengan kemudahan jalan raya yang tidak baik ekoran projek gajah putih BN iaitu jalan LAPOK. Kegagalan projek ini dari dahulu lagi menjejaskan kredibiliti BN walaupun ada usaha untuk memberi peruntukan kepada projek ini baru-baru ini. Namun ianya sudah agak terlambat kerana usaha ini akan dilihat sebagai memancing undi kerana pilihanraya negeri sudah tiba.

3. Ini ditambah isu yang sangat hangat sekali adalah NCR. Di daeah Baram Tengah termasuk Tutoh Apoh, pencerobohan tanah NCR telah dimulakan oleh syarikat kroni BN dan menjejaskan 1/3 daripada kawasan di daerah ini. Sekiranya peta di Ulu Baram ini teliti dengan betul, kawasan tanah adat telah pun habis diambil di bawah Provisional Leasing (PL) syarikat kelapa sawit dan syarikat balak.

4. Tempias isu penahanan Bible Bahasa Malaysia juga mendapat perhatian kerana 99% penduduk OU adalah beragama kristian. Walaupun isu ini bersifat nasional, tetapi kesanya adalah tertumpu kepada penganut agama kristian sahaja. Masalah ini adalah masalah bermotifkan politik dan polisi kerajaan BN di peringkat pusat.

5. Penggal lima tahun 5 tahun YB Lihan tidak menampakan hasil dimana taraf kehidupan penduduk OU masih ditapuk lama. Pembinaan sekolah, asrama, klinik dan jalan raya jauh daripada tahap yang memuaskan. Perpindahan penduduk OU ke Bandar amat merunsingkan ekoran kurang peluang menjana pendapatan. Kini projek penanaman kelapa sawit telah mengambil alih yang kononya akan menyediakan peluang perkerjaan kepada penduduk setempat. Jangan lupa, projek kelapa sawit di Long Temala sekarang dipenuhi dengan perkerja indonesia bergaji murah. Adalkah OU mendapat tempat sekiranya semua kawasan di Baram ditanam dengan kelapa sawit di bawah konsep baru yang dilaung-laungkan?

6. Kegagalan usaha membawa pembaharuan oleh YB Lihan sendiri turut menjejaskan populariti BN di kalangan sesetangah penduduk kampug di Baram. Kelemahan ini mungkin diakui oleh BN sendiri apabila beliau kali ini dinasihatkan untuk berundur dari kerusi DUN Telang Usan dan cuba menapilkan muka baru. Kredibiliti beliau sebagai DUN Telang Usan dipersoalkan sejak awal lagi apabila beliau dituduh mempunyai kepentingan peribadi di kawasan Baram. Selain itu juga, ada penduduk yang tidak senang dengan tindakan beliau campur tangan dalam hal-ehwal perlantikan ketua masyarakat. Kegagalan menanggani masalah OU berkenaan dengan tanah NCR dan juga masyarakat Penan dengan tuntutan hak mereka masih dipersoalkan. Semua perkara ini adalah dilihat sebagai kelemahan cara pentadbiran beliau sendiri.

Enam isu di atas cukup sukar untuk disangkal oleh BN melainkan penafian yang mudah difahami oleh penduduk kampung yang telah dikunci minda mereka oleh jentera dan media BN. Isu-isu ini tidak akan diambil mudah lagi bagi memacu pembangunan socio-ekonomi di daerah Baram. Tidak kisah parti mana yang memerintah, sekiranya hak dan kepentingan OU tidak diambil kira, saya percaya OU akan terus kekal di tapuk lama dan lena dalam arus pembangunan negara. Bagi parti pembangkang pula, saat dan masanya amat tepat untuk bertindak dan menyedarkan penduduk OU yang kini di dalam dilema. Mungkin dari sudut lain, mereka ditawan oleh ideologi BN yang mencanangkan perubahan di Telang Usan dengan berbagai resepi serta sumbangan. Walaubagaimanapun, OU seharusnya sedar dan berfikiran terbuka bagi mencapai matlamat bersama dan mengetepikan janji manis politik yang akhirnya merugikan OU sendiri pad masa depan.
Hari pengundian bemula pada 16 April dan tiba masanya untuk menentukan masa depan bersama dengan memangkah calon dan parti yang benar-benar membawa perubahan dan suara dari Telang Usan agi kemajuan bersama...SELAMAT MENGUNDI.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Lihan Terpaksa Berundur

Seperti yang diutarakan oleh Perdana Menteri semasa lawatan ke Sarawak baru-baru ini, beliau sekali lagi menegaskan bahawa calon pada pilihanraya kali ini mementingkan aspek 'winable candidate'. Mungkin ini menyebabkan ramai calon veteran yang risau dengan periuk nasi mereka akan terjejas. Malah kritikan bertalu-talu di laman internet juga memberi kesan. Sejak dua tahun lalu, kritikan pedas dan terbuka telah dilemparkan ke atas YB Lihan Jok sehingga ramai yang mendesak beliau berundur hingga ke saat akhir apabila tempoh lima tahun beliau akan berakhir.

Spekulasi bahawa beliau akan berundur menjadi terjawab apabila Taib mengumumkan bahawa Lihan tidak berhasrat untuk mempertahankan kerusi DUN Telang Usan kali ini. Walaubagaimanapun, setakat ini bakal pengganti beliau belum diumumkan lagi. Namun ada yang mendakwa bahawa salah satu daripada individu berikut mungkin dipertimbangkan oleh Taib untuk DUN Telang Usan, En.Ose Murang,Robert Laing ataupun Dennis Ngau.

Kepada YB Lihan Jok, selamat berjasa kepada penduduk Telang Usan dan kini tiba masanya untuk mencuba darah baru dan mungkin ideologi baru bagi memertabatkan suku orang ulu di Baram.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Brothers & Sisters,

Little bird flew from Miri to the Gulf of Mexico today (March 13), YB Lihan Jok is being humiliatingly laid off.
It''s the time we tell YB Lihan Jok, enough is enough....
YB Lihan Jok...I know..."Goodbye Seem to be The Hardest Word", while his business interest in Baram/Telang Usan is still fresh.
YB Lihan Jok "judgment day" is just around the corner.

The next person nominated by PBB to replace the dispose YB Lihan Jok is surprisingly --- ex useless, racist- resident of Miri, "Mr. OSE MURANG".

Keep your target on this man and crab all your info of this man while he was serving during his duty as the Resident of Miri.



Burak S. Sem

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bila tahu Dayak sudah hilang taring, mereka guna cara mereka...upah Gangster..!

Di mana Rentap, di mana Rosli Dhobi,di mana hulu balang lagenda Keling, dimana 'Lakin Ayau' zaman memenggal kepala?. Zaman pra-kaloni dan pejajahan keluarga Brook telah lama berlalu,mungkin sekarang tibanya zaman penjajahan cara baru?. Sedar akan kehilangan taring masyarakat Dayak, ada pihak memanipulasi keadaan dan menggunakan peluang ini sepenuhnya bagi memenuhi kerakusan mengejar keuntungan. Banyak syarikat kroni telah mengaut keuntungan berbilion ringgit. Perkongsian kepentingan ini mungkin merelakan tindak-tanduk yang mengetepikan batasan kemanusiaan dan hak asasi penduduk Dayak yang rata-ratanya masih dibelenggu dengan kemiskinan. Dalam isu tanah NCR, ada yang masih takut dengan peruntukan Kanun Tanah Sarawak yang sengaja dibuat oleh pembuat undang-undang bagi terus melenyapkan tanah asal.Takut dengan 'gangster' yang diupah oleh syarikat balak. Takut dengan ketua masyarakat dan YB yang berkomplot dengan syarikat balak.Dayak di dalam keadaan tertekan apabila jentera kerajaan seperti polis dan Land & Survey menutup sebelah mata. Bagi syarikat yang sudah kaya, mereka sanggup mengupah 'gangster' melindungi mereka dan mengugut orang kampung. Tindakan ini dilakukan secara terbuka dan tidak diambil serius oleh pihak polis dan mungkin mereka ingin peristiwa di Ulu Niah dulu akan berulang lagi?. Atau mungkinkah mereka ingin tahu tahap kesabaran penduduk asal mempertahankan hak mereka. Jika kompeni dan gangster berani bertindak kerana wang, adakah orang asal tidak berani kerana hak mereka?.Laporan oleh MBF (Borneo Manser Fund)dibawah benar-benar hampir ke tahap batas kesabaran masyarakat asal.

Kini syarikat dan kerajaan bertindak ala samseng dalam merampas hak orang asal atas nama 'pembagunan' yang dicanangkan. Ini bukan masalah baru, tetapi sudah lama berlaku di kawasan pedalaman. Malah ada gangster yang boleh membuka syarikat balak sendiri dan mencuri kayu balak. Di Baram umpanya, kesemua syarikat balak mengupah 'gangster' menjaga operasi mereka. Perusahaan kilang papan Temala suatu ketika,dipenuhi dengan pekerja Indonesia yang tidak ada permit. Di dalam tempoh tersebut limpahan mereka menggalak aktiviti tidak menyihatkan termasuk 'sabung ayam', berjudi, pengedaran pil aktasi dan juga kerap terlibat dengan pergaduhan yang pernah meyebabkan kematian. Ada yang mengupah pekerja berbangsa cina yang tidak ada kerja dan semata-mata menjaga kem balak sahaja. Adakah pihak berkuasa buta menanggani masalah ini? masalah budaya samseng.

Laporan: Borneo Manser Fund

19 February 2011

For immediate release
Shocking new cases of violence against indigenous peoples in Sarawak
HSBC-funded oil palm company hires gangsters to intimidate native landowners - Two native landowners critically hurt by timber company officials
KUCHING, SARAWAK (MALAYSIA). BLD Plantation Bhd, a Malaysian oil palm company that counts HSBC Malaysia among its principal bankers, has hired over 100 armed thugs to intimidate native landowners who are opposed to the forceful "development" of their land into an oil palm plantation.
According to the Borneo Resources Institute Malaysia, around 100 armed gangsters had been brought in two buses from Sibu to Rumah Ranggong on 17 February in an attempt to intimidate the longhouse residents. The gangsters had brought along parangs (large knifes) and some explosives. Fearing for their safety, some of the longhouse residents reported the case to the police who arrested the gang leader and sent the rest away. The longhouse people had been defending their lands against an oil palm development by Niamas Istimewa, a BLD subsidiary. BLD plantation is part of the KTS group that is also active in Indonesia, China, Brazil and Australia.
In a separate, even more shocking case, two native landowners, Minggat Nyakin and Juan Minggat, were beaten up on 14 February at a timber log-pond in Sungai Rusa, Sarikei Division. According to Sarawak's indigenous peoples' network, TAHABAS, the two had been complaining against illegal logging on their native lands with the timber company manager. It appears that the illegal loggers are being protected by the police and the Sarawak authorities. The case is symptomatic for the culture of corruption and the lack of law enforcment in the Sarawak timber and plantation sector.
Please contact us for more information:
Bruno Manser Fonds, Socinstrasse 37, 4051 Basel / Switzerland, Tel. +41 61 261 94 74,

Ini adalah muka-muka pekerja syarikat yang diupah menjaga kompeni syarikat kelapa sawit. Kejadian ini adalah yang terbaru melibatkan rumah panjang Ranggong dan Belilie di Ulu Niah dengan BLD Resources:

Saturday, February 19, 2011

TPM Ke Long Panai

KUCHING: Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tutoh Apoh, sebuah sekolah luar bandar di Long Panai, Baram yang sekolah paling kerap dilanda banjir di Malaysia akan menjadi tumpuan istimewa Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin dalam lawatan dua hari beliau ke Sarawak, mulai Khamis depan.

Muhyiddin yang juga Menteri Pelajaran, akan menghadiri taklimat dan tinjauan ke sekolah berkenaan yang mendapat peruntukan dari kerajaan persekutuan sebanyak RM50 juta bagi membina semula bangunan baru sekolah itu selepas mengambil kira keadaannya yang semakin daif dan terjejas oleh banjir.

Menurut satu kenyataan daripada pejabat Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Muhyiddin dijadual menghadiri majlis pemimpin bersama rakyat di Uma Beluvuh, Long Panai, yang mempunyai majoriti kaum Orang Ulu.Sebelum itu, Muhyiddin akan menaiki helikopter ke Ulu Lubai, Limbang bagi menghadiri majlis pengiktirafan Sekolah Berprestasi Tinggi Kohort Dua di SK Ulu Lubai sebelum melakukan tinjauan mesra ke Rumah Panjang Tugang, Ulu Lubai.

Sebelah petang, beliau akan menghadiri majlis pemimpin bersama rakyat di dewan masyarakat Batu Niah di Miri dan seterusnya berangkat ke Kuching untuk majlis pemimpin bersama rakyat bersempena dengan sambutan Chap Goh Mei di Hotel Hilton.

Pada Jumaat, Muhyiddin akan melawat Pusa di Betong untuk membuat tinjauan mesra dan sesi bersama rakyat di Pekan Pusa serta ke industri kecil gula apong dan kuih sepit di Kampung Pusa.

Beliau kemudiannya akan melawat Kampung Manggut, Spaoh di Betong untuk menghadiri perasmian Jalan Tuie/Supa/Manggut sebelum melawat Debak, juga di bahagian Betong.
Di Debak, Muhyiddin dijadual menunaikan solat Jumaat di masjid Darul Solihin dan seterusnya menghadiri majlis jamuan makan bersama rakyat di sana.

Muhyiddin akan berlepas pulang ke Kuala Lumpur dari Lapangan terbang Antarabangsa Kuching dengan pesawat khas pada sebelah petang. – BERNAMA

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Suara Dari Telang Usan

Apa kata kita berkongsi sedikit pandangan daripada salah satu pengunjung STU yang memberi maklumbalas berhubung isu NCR. Beliau mendakwa dirinya bekerja dengan Land and Survey dan ada beberapa perkara yang beliau dakwa berlaku di dalam proses pengambilan tanah NCR serta beberapa masalah yang telah dan bakal dihadapi oleh OU dalam melindungi hak tanah mereka....

Hi all,I am a Land Surveyor and has been directly involved in negotiating and doing physical survey works for NCR status lands for Sarawak politicians and PL lands for local oil palm companies in northern region of Sarawak.What i would like to share here is that it is very obvious the CM is not willing to give back what belongs to other people.For all genuine NCR landowners who have been residing at their NCR lands until this very day since independence and wish to convert their land status to Agriculture title land,my advice is please get or arrange to prepare all the documents needed like L&S T735 topo map which clearly shows NCR lands,letters endorsed by respective penghulu or temenggong and latest boundary survey plan done by either licence L&S or free lance surveyor that can give endorsement plan (Please sacrifice a bit of money for your own future).This types of survey works not neccesarily have to be done using totalstation which is expensive in the survey fees but a handheld GPS is good enough already and cheap.The most important data is the acreage and the coordinates of the boundary points of the said land.With all these documents ready,now comes the hardest parts which is to find a way to get to Awang Tengah either through front door (Lihan Jok) or any back door way as he is the ONLY ONE that have the authority to convert native land.I know this because i am the one preparing all the documents and was personally told by my clients whom mostly are state political secretaries.Please do not go looking for L&S divisional superitendent as he is completely powerless to help.The last case of native NCR land problem that i was around to witness was during the meeting as an observer at Long Lama.It is the Sabah-Bintulu gas pipeline project and at that particular time,all of the attendees mostly from Lg Puak,Uma Akeh and Lg Banyok were not happy because their land is not recognise by the government.Well,I wish all the best.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

DUN Sarawak Mungkin Dibubarkan Minggu Ini

The Malaysia Insider melaporkan ada sumber dari Astana Sarawak menyatakan Ketua Menteri Sarawak, Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud akan berjumpa dengan Tun Abang Muhammad Salahuddin Abang Barieng pada Jumaat ini bagi meminta perkenan membubarkan DUN Sarawak.

Buat masa ini BN Sarawak memegang 63 kerusi daripada 71-kerusi keseluruhanya, dengan 35 dipengang oleh PBB, 12 oleh Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP), masing-masing 8 oleh Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) dan Sarawak Progressive Democratic Party (SPDP).
Daripada 8 kerusi selebihnya, DAP memegang 6, PKR satu, dan Bebas satu.
Kemudahan kesihatan di Ulu Baram masih di tahap yang amat tidak memuaskan. Kedudukan kampung-kampung yang jauh dari pekan dan pusat bandar amat menyukarkan keadaan terutama dalam keadaan kecemasan. Di bahagian Baram Tengah, hospital Marudi adalah satu-satunya hospital dan juga klinik kesihatan di Long Lama bagi menampung semua keperluan di daerah ini. Kerajaan pernah mencadang membuka satu klinik kesihatan di Long Lama yang terletak di seberang bazar Long Lama. Apakah perancangan ini selari dengan apa yang dicadangkankan oleh YB Telang Usan, En Lihan Jok untuk memindahkan bazar Long Lama ke seberang lokasi bazar ini sekarang? Tender berikut pernah dikeluarkan, dan masyarakat masih menunggu agar kemudahan kesihatan dapat memenuhi keperitan mereka:

(2) Tender No. -2008

Construction and Completion of the Proposed
1 Block of Klinik Kesihatan, 2 Blocks of Class 'F'
Flat and 1 Block of Class 'C' Quarters on Lot 511,
Blk 10, Telang Usan L.D., Long Lama, Miri Division

PKK Head: Class: B
CLOSING DATE : Close at:

Apa pun perancang bagi membendung keperluan kesihatan masih lagi di tahap yang tidak memuaskan. Klinik Kesihatan Long lama, satu-satunya masih beroperasi dengan seorang doktor.Walaubagaimanapun masyarakat OU masih memerlukan kemudahan kesihatan yang baik dan merupakan keperluan yang terpenting selain daripada membaik pulih sistem pendidikan OU.

Ini adalah gambar klinik kesihatang Long Lama yang masih ada hingga sekarang.

Friday, February 11, 2011

"Terima Kasih" PKTS..?

Kemelut berhubung isu tanah NCR yang tidak begitu disenangi oleh banyak pihak di Daerah Tuto Apoh and juga Baram Tengah belum lagi mendapat kata putus. Di Kampung Long Banyok dan Long Ikang Baram,pemetaan tanah dan konsesi (PL) untuk tujuan penanaman kelapa sawit telah dibuat. Imbuhan yang dijanjikan oleh PKTS adalah RM150/hektar mendapat reaksi bercampur-campur oleh penduduk kampung. Di Long Banyok umpamanya, perjanjian konsesi yang dikeluarkan oleh PKTS ternyata tidak menguntungkan penduduk dan risiko kehingan hak tanah pada masa akan datang.Penduduk Long Ikang juga mula membantah usaha tersebut selepas beberapa bantahan sebelum ini di Long Panai, Tuto Apoh. Sekarang, siapa yang beria-ia dengan projek ini?.

Seperti yang dilaporkan di media tempatan Borneo Post pada 10 Februari 2011, ketua masyarakat daerah Baram mengucapkan terima kasih kepada PKTS kerana membangunkan tanah NCR.Kehadiran Temenggong Pahang Deng dan Pemanca Joesph Ngau Lian di PKTS Gallery baru-baru seolah-oleh memberi lampu hijau kepada syarikat itu terus mengondol tanah NCR di Ulu Baram tanpa kerelaan semua pihak. Temenggong Pahang juga mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa syarikat PKTS melaksanakan tanggungjawab sosial dengan baik dan prihatin terhadap penduduk. Juga mempertahankan tindakan syarikat PKTS tidak mengambil tanah penduduk kampung, malah mengatakan bahawa PKTS serta pekerja syarikat tersebut sangat menghormati dan faham kehendak penduduk.Kehadiran dan kenyataan Temengong Pahang dan Pemanca Joseph disambut baik oleh Pengurus Korporat PKTS, Datuk Vincent G Chapman. Bagaimana pula dengan penduduk kampung di Daerah Baram keseluruhanya yang tanah mereka terlibat.? Adakah mereka sangat berpuas hati dan gembira dengan tidakan syarikat PKTS yang mempergunakan tanah NCR mereka dengan membelkangi hak dan masa depan mereka.

Ini merupaka tindakan memperdaya dan tidak telus oleh pihak berwajib di dalam mengedalikan tanah NCR OU yang terus diceroboh dan tidak menjanjikan pulangan pada masa akan datang.Tindakan seumpama ini harus difikirkan oleh semua OU agar hak mereka tidak tergadai oleh keputusan sesetnagah pihak terutamnya pihak yang mempunyai kepentingan di dalam projek seumpama ini.Jika T. Pahang dan Pemanca Joseph masih ingat dan faham hati rakyat, penduduk Lg Panai, Lg Ikang dan Lg Banyok telah membuat bantahan terhadap pencerobohan tanah ini. Tahun lepas satu petition telah dibuat dikalangan anak muda di Lg Banyok membantah keputusan dan tawaran PKTS tetapi tetapi masih dipertahankan oleh Penghulu Theodarus Lenjau Kulleh dengan alasan yang sama.Apa yang jelas kenyataan media oleh pihak tertentu tidaklah sebenarnya menggambarkan semua kehendak penduduk Baram. Sebenarnya, mereka inginkan HAK tanah NCR mereka dijaga, dihormati dan diakui oleh kerajaan dan tidak ditipu.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Artikel (by 'Burak Sem' )

Baram Dam in My View and that of Lihan Jok

From: Burak Sem | February 10, 2011

I have been thinking hard the past couple of days if I should write about this, to share with you on my thoughts about the proposal Baram Dam by the Sarawak Government.
You might think that I am not qualified to speak about environmental issues just because I have not been to a certain school or so, but I can tell you something for nothing there are some things in life one can not learn in school, and what I am speaking about is simple logic. I know where I come from and I know where I am going, what frightens me most of all is the people who will be occupying planet earth in time to come when you and I no more - dead and totally forgotten.

My take on dams blocking the Baram River is summed up in this sentence - Baram River and its tributaries to the Orang Ulu as veins and blood vessels are to the human body. Blocking the path way and holding back huge quantities of water or blood where it should not be held is a certain recipe for disaster. The Orang Ulus a racial group will be just history.

As the times change we have to change with it, we have the technologies our fore-fathers only dreamed of in time gone by, the time has now come to where our responsibility is to fine tune and adjust our mental attitude and understanding towards the real task that lay before us, for if earth is really heaven the planets and moons that surround us in space can be called hell.
After a long and hard reflection, I have decided to put my thoughts on the proposed Baram Dam in writing.
I may not be qualified academically or technically to give an appraisal on this proposal by the Sarawak State Government; however, as an Orang Ulu, I am well aware of the consequence of such a project on the immediate environment and the people of the Baram. I also foresee the long term repercussions which will affect the entire future of the region and the affected habitants. The deprivation resulting from this ravenous act will be felt and inherited by generations to come, long after those irresponsible offenders are dead and gone. The Baram River and the whole of the Baram District is so much a part of the Orang Ulu people and so to intervene by damming and drowning the Baram is like choking the Orang Ulu community, the ethnic people of the area. The blatant greed which motivates the destruction by damming it will mortally destroy the environment and the social structure of the people.

The Orang Ulu communities are not spared from universal change brought about by modern technologies and knowhow. Indeed the communities have to move on in tandem with advancement. At the same time the noble values which are ours as handed to us by our forefathers must never be discarded. These good values should instead by made relevant to the phase and outlook of the modern culture and our Christian faith.

On the 10th September 2010, Borneo Post published an article, occupying almost a quarter page of the broad sheet, titled, “Lihan insists Baram Dam a gift for Orang Ulu”. In the article Lihan Jok, the Member of State Legislative Council (ADUN) for Telang Usan, was quoted as saying, “I am not ashamed to say that the mega project is a gift from God because as a result of the project the government will build a 60-km road from Long Lama to the dam site at Long Keseh, benefitting about 12,000 Kayans from nine longhouses along the river,”. However, at an interview on 31st Jan 2011, by “Radio Free Sarawak” -, when asked to elaborate on his comment, Lihan’s respond was rather elusive. Besides, from the way he answered the radio interviewer, it was possible that he wasn’t aware that the conversation was broadcasted or recorded.

Nonetheless, in my view Lihan’s interview with the radio gave one true picture of what is now happening to the whole Baram Dam issue. It is mysterious. It is a game of cat and mouse, there is no openness or transparency in the dealings. In fact the first time I heard about the proposed 12 dams was an article on the Bruno Manser Foundation Website, following all the hurly burly following the construction of the Bakun dam. Even those who will bear the brunt of it are not well informed about the proposed Baram dam if they are informed at all. Even at the present moment, perhaps the only place where it most is mentioned or debated about is in cyberspace. What little which is known or publicized about these dams is mostly found on blogs and emails by concerned individuals who themselves may not at all be the stakeholders.

In an issue of this gargantuan proportion, a normal government would first of all make sure that all the thorough studies are not only carried out but seen to be carried out. All results of such studies would thus be made available to the public especially those who are affected. Studies like the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA), Social Impact Assessments, Due Diligence etc. Public debates on the issue would then be encouraged and publicized. All comments would thus be valued and evaluated before any decision is made. All relevant issues raised and woes would therefore be appropriately addressed so that in the process of implementation and maintenance the project would use the best means in achieving a beneficial goal. The goal alone must not justify the means. Each statements made by authorities would be qualified with facts which are objective or based on proven and professional evaluation. But as can be seen with what is transpiring at the moment this particular government and their “leaders” does not believe in all the aforementioned. Forget about the “People First action now” rhetoric, it is just that and nothing more.

If we take Lihan’s statement in Borneo Post at face value to be facts, that there are “12,000 Kayans from nine longhouses along the river from Long Lama to Long Keseh” who will benefit from the road built to the dam site.” Yes there is no doubt that it sounds so attractive, indeed Lihan Jok’s prayer has been answered. (He said that he has been praying for trunk roads to be built to each village in Telang Usan.) Where there is no road, there will be roads. So these 12,000 Kayans will have roads. In the same Borneo Post article, Lihan claimed that this is “bigger picture” that critics must look at. But, looking at the “bigger picture” that Lihan invited us to focus on, I see a completely different scenario looming and that is one where the other Kayan, Penan and mostly Kenyah who are living in more than ten longhouses above Long Keseh. With the construction of the dam their longhouses or dwellings will be submerged or inundated.. So with this I would like to ask, about their fate brought about by the so called God given dam? Are they included in Liha’s prayer too? Did he pray for them to be totally eliminated with all they have and all they stand for? The resulting destruction and annihilation brought about by the flood from the dam is irrevocable and massive. Why all because Lihan his friends pray for roads to be constructed for 12,000 Kayan who live in longhouses below Long Keseh.

Once the dam is built, all the crops, fruit trees, graves, life stocks, longhouses, farm houses and land belonging to these group of Kayan, Penan & mostly Kenyah will vanish under a big, big lake which will reach Lio Mato, the furthers Kenyah longhouse in Baram. So all the talks about developments and projects for these villages will then be no more an issue for the government. All issues will disappear in the deep-deep blue water of the dam because of Lihan’s answered prayer. All the existing schools, churches, chapels clinics and places historical significance to the Orang Ulu will be wiped out. The heritage of our forefathers and the pride of our Orang Ulu like those from Dato Temagong Oyong Lawai Jau, Penghulu Tama Bulan Lian, Penghulu Jok Ngau, Penghulu Kebing, Penghulu Nyipa will be just fairy tails for our posterities. For not only will our heritage be destroyed the very remains of these great leaders of the past will be drown in the depth of the Baram Dam. The remains of all our forefathers whose cemetery we revere in the memories will also disappear. For those who keep the All Souls day as a day for remembering their deceased loved ones, they will not be able to visit their cemetery any more. There will be no need for quarrel or survey of Native Customary Right land any more, it will not be relevant. Even all the animals, insects, vegetations, flora & fauna will be no more. GONE!!! So what Noah was able to save with his ark during the Biblical flood, Lihan managed to eliminate with his pious prayer for road to benefit 12,000 Kayah living below Long Keseh.

Nagasaki and Hiroshima were destroyed by the atomic bomb during World War 2, but after the war the Japanese stood up from the ruins and pick up the pieces to rebuild the two cities. Now a day these cities are thriving once more and with a lesson well learned by the Japanese population. However, once the Baram Dam is constructed, the whole are will be deleted from the surface and there will not be any pieces to be gathered any more to rebuild the Baram.

Those who live above Long Keseh, well Lihan does not see the need for road there. Thanks to Prophet Lihan Jok!!!!
As for Lihan himself he has no problem at all since his longhouse is at Long Bedian which is down river at the tributary of the Baram. (But then at second thought, does he have a house in Long Bedian?) He is now living in a big mansion in Miri and at least one in Kuching. So this is the type of ADUN we want, a person who only prays for those in his constituency. Alleluia!!!
Before Sarawak Government can put together an environmental plan, which they claimed can be used to benefit Sarawak they (BN) must understand the type of people that they are dealing with, who are they, what do they believe in, how do they live, where do they live, what do they want, what do they need, etc.
YB Lihan Jok, some food-for-thoughts for you to bring home and reflect---for becoming elected YB, whether you like it or not --- is similar to when playing a game of Chess one first needs to understand the rules of the game, how the board is set up, what pieces you have and how they are able to move around the board.
The game of chess we must be able to have a strategy, a plan on what type of move or moves we want to make, watch the type of move our opponent make or is making, then try to anticipate ahead of time on what move he or she could make or is planning to make, then decide for our own self on how to counter attack and prevent our own people from getting into a situation that one does not want to be in. “Prophet” Lihan Jok should learn from this game of chess, if he cares.
Bothers and Sisters, may I ask on your favor, if there's anyone one of us in this email could help me translating the above to Bahasa Malaysia, Kayan, Kenyah, Kelabit, Penan, Iban, etc, for distribution before catastrophe incur.

In my next article, I will do my best to share with you the irrelevance of these dams.

Blog Archive




Ways Forward

Kenyataan Mesyuarat Masyarakat Orang Asal Sarawak Sempena Seminar Mengenai Hak Tanah Orang Asal Yang Dianjurkan

27 – 29 Mac 2005
Hotel Harbour View, Kuching

KAMI, Ketua-Ketua masyarakat, ahli-ahli Jawantankuasa Kemajuan dan Keselamatan Kampung (JKKK), ahli-ahli Persatuan-Persatuan Orang Asal, ahli-ahli Persatuan Rumah Panjang/Kampung serta wakil-wakil Rumah Panjang masyarakat Orang Asal di Sarawak telah bermesyuarat di Hotel Habour View, Kuching, Sarawak pada 28 – 29 Mac 2005 sempena Seminar mengenai Hak Tanah Orang Asal yang dianjurkan oleh SUHAKAM untuk membincangkan masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat kami.

Terlebih dahulu, kami ingin menyampaikan setinggi-tinggi tahniah dan terima kasih kepada pihak SUHAKAM kerana memulakan inisiatif untuk menganjurkan Seminar sebegini yang julung kali diadakan untuk seluruh Negeri Sarawak. Adalah diharapkan bahawa inisiatif sebegini dapat diteruskan oleh pihak SUHAKAM bukan sahaja di Sarawak tetapi di seluruh Malaysia demi melindungi hak Orang Asal di Negara yang kita cintai ini.

Hasil daripada perbincangan tersebut, kami telah mengenal pasti isu dan masalah yang sedang kami hadapi seperti berikut:

1. Kawasan Tanah Adat kami diceroboh oleh syarikat-syarikat swasta untuk menjalankan aktiviti-aktiviti pembalakan, perladangan komersial secara besar-besaran dan pembangunan-pembangunan yang lain tanpa terlebih dahulu mendapat izin dan persetujuan dari kami;

2. Pencerobohan oleh syarikat-syarikat swasta tersebut telah melanggar adat, budaya dan tatasusila kaum masyarakat kami. Syarikat-syarikat tersebut juga tidak menghormati Hak Adat kami dan telah mencabuli hak tanah NCR kami terutamanya ke atas “Pulau” dan “Pemakai Menoa” kami;

3. Kerajaan Negeri Sarawak sering kali mengeluarkan “Provisional Lease” dan lesen pembalakan sebarangan kepada syarikat-syarikat swasta yang melibatkan kawasan Tanah Adat kami tanpa terlebih dahulu memaklum dan mendapat keizinan bebas kami (without our free prior informed consent);

4. Tempoh 60 hari daripada tarikh warta dikeluarkan oleh Kerajaan Negeri kepada masyarakat kami untuk mengemukakan tuntutan pampasan ganti-rugi terhadap harta-benda kami sekiranya Tanah Adat kami diambil milik /dihapus (acquired) oleh Kerajaan Negeri adalah terlalu singkat dan warta tersebut tidak tersebar ke semua lapisan masyarakat kami;

5. Pampasan yang kami terima daripada Kerajaan Negeri jika Tanah Adat kami diambil milik oleh Kerajaan adalah hanya untuk harta-benda dan tanaman yang terdapat di atas Tanah Adat kami dan tidak termasuk nilai sebenar tanah tersebut. Pampasan yang diterima untuk harta-benda dan tanaman kami juga tidak setimpal dengan nilai pasaran terkini;

6. Kebanyakkan Tanah Adat kami tidak mempunyai rekod atau dokumen rasmi yang mengesahkan bahawa Tanah Adat yang kami duduki adalah hak milik kami. Kerajaan Negeri tidak menjalankan survei pemetaan ke atas sempadan kawasan Tanah Adat kami oleh itu sering terjadi konflik di antara pihak kami dengan syarikat-syarikat swasta;

7. Akibat daripada aktiviti-aktiviti pembalakan, perladangan dan industri-industri ekstraktif yang dilaksanakan di atas Tanah Adat kami maka terjadinya kerosakkan terhadap tanaman-tanaman serta harta benda kami. Pencemaran alam sekitar juga sering berlaku, contohnya berlakunya tanah runtuh, air sungai menjadi keruh dan cetek akibat lumpur lalu mengakibatkan banjir dan serta menjejaskan sumber air minuman kami.

Dengan Kenyataan ini kami mengesa SUHAKAM untuk meyarankan Kerajaan Pusat dan Kerajaan Negeri Sarawak untuk:

1. melindungi Hak Adat (NCR) dan hak-hak kami di atas tanah adat serta sumber daya kami dengan meminda Seksyen 5(3) Kanun Tanah Sarawak (Sarawak Land Code) berkenaan dengan penghapusan Hak Adat masyarakat Orang Asal ke atas Tanah Adat untuk tujuan umum di mana sebelum hak masyarakat orang asal ke atas Tanah Adat dihapuskan suatu sesi dialog harus diadakan dengan masyarakat yang terlibat;

2. menjalan survei pemetaan dan merekodkan semua tanah NCR masyarakat Orang Asal di Sarawak serta memberikan dokumen rasmi yang mengesahkan hak milik Orang Asal ke atas Tanah Adat, dengan ini, konflik tentang kawasan dan hak-hak tanah antara masyarakat orang asal dan kerajaan dapat di atasi;

3. menghentikan pengeluaran “provisional lease” dan lesen pembalakan secara sebarangan kepada syarikat-syarikat perladangan dan pembalakan yang melibatkan kawasan tanah NCR kami sehingga survei pemetaan dapat dilaksanakan untuk menentukkan lokasi dan keluasan “Provisional Lease” dan lesan balak tersebut dan mengeluarkannya daripada Tanah Adat kami sekiranya didapati telah memasuki kawasan tersebut;

4. mengarahkan syarikat-syarikat swasta yang beroperasi dalam kawasan Tanah Adat kami untuk menghentikan kegiatan mereka dengan segera sehingga pertikaian hak ke atas tanah tersebut diselesaikan;

5. menghapuskan tempoh 60 hari untuk warta kerajaan yang mewartakan pengambilan hak milik Tanah Adat kepada Tanah Kerajaan dan sebaliknya mengadakan perbincangan dengan semua pemilik tanah yang terlibat sehingga sebuah penyelesaian dipersetujui oleh semua pihak;

6. mengumum dan mengedar salinan warta kerajaan tentang projek atau rancangan kerajaan yang berkaitan dengan hak NCR kami kepada tiap-tiap rumah panjang/kampung di kawasan yang terlibat/terjejas oleh warta tersebut;

7. memberitahu dan mengadakan perjumpaan dengan semua lapisan masyarakat rumah panjang/kampung mengenai perancangan pembangunan tanah adat di kawasan kami, seterusnya menghormati segala keputusan yang diambil oleh masyarakat kami;

8. membayar pampasan untuk Tanah Adat yang diambil milik oleh kerajaan yang setimpal dengan nilai pasaran terkini dan tidak terhad kepada tanam-tanaman dan harta-benda di atas tanah tetapi termasuk nilai sebenar tanah tersebut;

9. mengubal dan meminda undang-undang yang melibatkan hak masyarakat Orang Asal supaya ia mesra Orang Asal serta menyokong undang-undang adat masyarakat Orang Asal demi memperkukuhkan hak mereka dan bukannya menghakis hak tersebut;

10. meminda Kanun Tanah Sarawak untuk khususnya memasuki “pulau”, “temuda” dan “pemakai menoa” di bawah definisi Tanah Adat Orang Asal (Native Customary Land) di bawah Seksyen 2 Kanun tersebut;

11. meminda Bahagian IV “Practice of Land Surveyors ETC.” Seksyen 17 Ordinan Jurukur Tanah (Land Surveyors Ordinance) yang mengatakan “without prejudice to Section 104 of the Code, no person shall unless he is a land surveyor” dengan “Nothing in this Ordinance shall affect the righ of any person, not being a land surveyor to undertake surveys other than title surveys”.

12. menubuhkan suatu pesuruhanjaya bebas khas (National Native Land Commission) untuk mengendali hal-hal dan menyelesaikan isu-isu yang melibatkan hak masyarakat Orang Asal di Malaysia.

Maka kami dengan sebulat suara menyatakan sokongan kami ke atas usaha yang diambil untuk menyelesaikan isu-isu dan masalah-masalah kami seperti di atas:


1. Jetli Jelian
Persatuan Kebajikan Masyarakat Nanga Tada (PKMNT), Kanowit

2. Usang Ak Labit
Persatuan Gerempong Anembiak Pelugau (GAP), Balingian

3. Nyalau Ak Geli
Sarawak Dayak Iban Association (SADIA)

4. Bangau Ak Panggai
Persatuan Gerempong Rakyat Ulu Balingian – Ai Tepus (GERUBAT)

5. TR. Siba Ak Bunsu
Jaringan Tanah Hak Adat Bangsa Asal Sarawak (TAHABAS)

6. TR. Banyang Ak Ramai
ADC Rumah Banyang & Rumah Agam, Bintulu

7. Ibi Ak Uding
Sarawak Dayak Iban Association (SADIA), Kpg. Merakai, Serian

8. Unus Ak Kalom
Sarawak Dayak Iban Association (SADIA), Kpg. Sebuyau, Simunjan

9. Limi Ak Kundi
Melikin Bukar Sadong Association (MEBUSA), Kpg. Pa’on Gahat, Serian

10. TR. Christopher Ak Ambu
Strap Ulu Land Development Action Committee (SULDAC), Sri Aman

11. Masa Ak Nangkai
Strap Ulu Land Development Action Committee (SULDAC), Sri Aman

12. Jacob Ak Imang
Strap Ulu Land Development Action Committee (SULDAC), Sri Aman

13. Anthony Belon
Strap Ulu Land Development Action Committee (SULDAC), Sri Aman

14. TR. Engkana Ak Talap
Strap Ulu Land Development Action Committee (SULDAC), Sri Aman

15. Maurice Ak Aben
Persatuan Kebajikan Masyarakat Nanga Tada (PKMNT), Kanowit

16. Jesus Robin Ak Timboo
Persatuan Masyarakat Sungai Gelasah – Suai, Suai

17. Francis Ak Imban
Persatuan Masyarakat Iban Bong-Teru, Tinjar, Baram (BICA)

18. Pauli bin Amus
Kpg. Hilir Meludam, Betong

19. Kathleen Supang
Kpg. Abok, Pantu, Sri Aman

20. Walter Chambers Najod

21. Alias Bon Ak Ulat
Persatuan Rumah Ulat, Sungai Manong, Niah

22. Jeron Ak Loben

23. Bihai Ak Nyah
JKKK Krokong, Bau

Hakikat NCR

Sumber: Asas Tanah NCR Kayan Kenyah Diperjadikan: Adet Kayan Kenyah 1994, Seksyen 84
Oleh: Temenggong Pahang Deng Anyi.

Clause 23: …..Hakikatnya, sejak tahun 1970 memang Ketua Masyarakat Kayan Kenyah sudah berkali-kali dan bermati-matian momohon Kerajaan menyukat tanah dan memohon surat-surat yang perlu. Kerajaan selalu menjawab tidak perlu memberi surat tanah temuda. Dengan alasan tanah NCR tidak boleh diambil oleh orang lain kerana ia diiktiraf oleh kerajaan. Kebun-kebun adalah sebagai geran tanah kamu yang di pedalaman. Kampung kamu sudah beratus tahun berada di sana itulah sebagai bukti dan geran tanah kamu katanya. Tetapi yang terjadi sekarang kompeni tidak peduli. Apabila tuntutan dan permintaan orang tempatan tidak ditunai dan tidak dipedulikan oleh kompeni, terpaksalah mereka mengambil tindakan Undang-Undang, malah juga melanggar undang-undang bagi meneggakan keadilan serta menuntut hak mereka. Perkara ini harus diberi perhatian sewajarnya oleh pihak kerajaan dan mempastikan masyarakat kami tidak ditindas, disamping hak kami wajib dihormati.

Peta kawasan tanah NCR di kawasan Baram yang habis digondol..!

Peta kawasan tanah NCR di kawasan Baram yang habis digondol..!

Bantahan Terhadap Pembalakan

Bantahan Terhadap Pembalakan

Blockage by Penan at Ulu Selaan against the logging company

Blockage by Penan at Ulu Selaan against the logging company

Dispute over Native's Land

Dispute over Native's Land