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Monday, July 25, 2011


25 July 2011 – for immediate release

BREAKING NEWS: Malaysia's Penan fear police crackdown against logging road blockade

Indigenous communities in Sarawak's tropical rainforests continue to defend their lands against logging - Involved logging company linked to the family of Malaysian top politician Abdul Taib Mahmud

(LONG WIN, Sarawak, Malaysia). Indigenous Penan communities in the Malaysian part of Borneo are fearing a police crackdown after having staged a logging road blockade near Long Win in Sarawak's Apoh Tutoh region. The blockade was set up to defend the communities' last remaining rainforests against logging by Rinpark Sdn Bhd, a Malaysian logging company linked to the family of Sarawak Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud ("Taib").

According to the Penan, the Malaysian police have sent a number of police officers to the blockade which had been set up in May 2011 by the villagers after Rinpark failed to live up to promises made to the community during an earlier blockade. The blockade was dismantled by the police and forestry enforcement officials yesterday (Sunday 24 July 2011) but re-erected by the locals this morning.

While the forests of Long Win, Long Bangan and nearby native communities have been logged several times already, the locals are fearing that their last forests will be cut down in order to make for oil palm plantations. "Please alert the international community on what is happening to our forests", a Penan spokesperson said to the Bruno Manser Fund. "The situation is very tense now as the police and forest department staff have set up a camp near the blockade site".

The involved logging company, Rinpark Sdn Bhd, is closely linked to the highly corrupt Malaysian Taib family. One of its directors is Azerina Mohd Arip, the first wife of Taib's late brother Arip Mahmud. Rinpark shareholder-cum-director Patrick Embol Anak Undi is also a main figure within the Taib-linked Lanco group of companies that is involved in controversial land deals in Sarawak's Balingian region.

For three decades, the Penan have struggled to defend their rainforests against logging. While the Taib family and a handful of logging tycoons have made a fortune from the cutting down of Sarawak's forests, the Penan have seen suffering from the negative consequences of the destruction of their natural environment.

– Ends –

Penan Long Win Blockade:

Location of the blockade:
Dear All,

Out of concerned on the two notices of the purported extinguishment of NCR over
land from the RGC Long Lama to the Baram Dam site which was issued by the
Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Planning and Resource Management and
published in the Borneo Post recently, I and my colleague, lawyer Mr. Abun Sui
went to the Land and Survey Dept yesterday to check on the map of the affected

We were shock to find that the said notice and the map were not displayed on
their Notice Board as required by law and also as stated in the said notices in
the Borneo Post.

When we inquired from the officials at the Counter (at 8th Floor) as to why the
said notices and map were not displayed and they told us that their Headquarters
in Kuching has not sent the notices and the map to them (Land and Survey Dept
Miri). We complained and pointed out to them that the law requires all those
claiming NCR over the lands affected to inspect the map and lodge their NCR
claims with the Land and Survey Dept within 60 days from the date of the notice
being issued. So without the map how are the people going to know whether their
NCR lands are affected? The officials said they cannot answer our question as
the notice was issued by the Ministry and the map is with their HQ in Kuching.

If this is the way how the Govt is going to implement the Baram dam, then,
we, the affected people are going to be denied any relevant and vital
information on the implementation of the dam although we are the ones affected
and who made the ultimkate sacrifices. There should be transparency by the Govt
otherwise how can we trust or believe the Govt when it promises us that the
project will benefit us.

A few of us have taken the initiative by giving a notice to the Natural
Resources and Environment Board (NREB) which will determine the approval of the
Environmental Impact Assessment Report and the Social and Environmental Audit
for the project that we as the affected people want to be given the access to
and the time to scrutinise the said reports before the NREB determines whether
or not to approve the reports. But the NREB has not replied to our said notice
until today.

For everybody's information, Taib Mahmud is the Chairman of the NREB. Yet he has
been the one that has been aggresively promoting the implementation of the dam.
Bear in mind also that its CMS which will be supplying the cement, steels, etc
for its construction. So there is clearly a conflict of interest here. But in
Sarawak/Malaysia everything is boleh because, even if you are a thief minister,
Sarawakians/Malaysians will still vote and campaign for you in or during the

Apart from this dam problem, the land problems in Baram is worsening. Taib has
divided up all the lands in Baram among all the big companies as a reward to
them providing him and the BN their election campaign funds. After taking all
the timbers from our land in Baram, they are now converting the same land into
tree plantations, planting oil palms, rubber, acacia, etc.

Five to ten years from now, our longhouses will just be pockets of islands
within and surrounded by all these plantations.

We have no pagar to protect us because the pagar we have also makan us.

Our present political leaders are just plain apple polishers or ball
carriers. Their speeches and public statements all show they are just a bunch of
defeatist, pathetic souls and opportunist at worst.

One old man from Long Liam asked, are they Wakil Rakyat or Wakil Taib Mahmud! I
asked him why? He replied, Because whenever our political leaders speak they
speak as if Taib was the one who voted for them and they are his wakil.

Many (NOT all) of our community leaders (if they can still qualify as a
"leader") are also hopeless, boneless and without ball and have sold their soul.
Like our political leaders they too colluded with and became our enemies
supporting Taib and the big companies to fight and defeat us.

Being left without a leader to lead and fight for us now, what shall we all do?
Wash our hands off and just adopt a "see and hear" no evil attitude towards all
these evil and destructive forces and just fattened our individual bank
accounts, accumulate more material wealth for ourselves and on sunday go to
church and pretend to be Godly or holy?

Despite of all the above, I still believe we the Baram people the Orang Ulus in
particular are not all fools and cowards. We are just lacking effective, firm
and courageous leaders.

So my friends, brothers and sisters, I have hope and faith that you will stand
up and be counted in this hour of need and lead as our warriors ancestors were
before. I guarantee my full support.






Ways Forward

Kenyataan Mesyuarat Masyarakat Orang Asal Sarawak Sempena Seminar Mengenai Hak Tanah Orang Asal Yang Dianjurkan

27 – 29 Mac 2005
Hotel Harbour View, Kuching

KAMI, Ketua-Ketua masyarakat, ahli-ahli Jawantankuasa Kemajuan dan Keselamatan Kampung (JKKK), ahli-ahli Persatuan-Persatuan Orang Asal, ahli-ahli Persatuan Rumah Panjang/Kampung serta wakil-wakil Rumah Panjang masyarakat Orang Asal di Sarawak telah bermesyuarat di Hotel Habour View, Kuching, Sarawak pada 28 – 29 Mac 2005 sempena Seminar mengenai Hak Tanah Orang Asal yang dianjurkan oleh SUHAKAM untuk membincangkan masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat kami.

Terlebih dahulu, kami ingin menyampaikan setinggi-tinggi tahniah dan terima kasih kepada pihak SUHAKAM kerana memulakan inisiatif untuk menganjurkan Seminar sebegini yang julung kali diadakan untuk seluruh Negeri Sarawak. Adalah diharapkan bahawa inisiatif sebegini dapat diteruskan oleh pihak SUHAKAM bukan sahaja di Sarawak tetapi di seluruh Malaysia demi melindungi hak Orang Asal di Negara yang kita cintai ini.

Hasil daripada perbincangan tersebut, kami telah mengenal pasti isu dan masalah yang sedang kami hadapi seperti berikut:

1. Kawasan Tanah Adat kami diceroboh oleh syarikat-syarikat swasta untuk menjalankan aktiviti-aktiviti pembalakan, perladangan komersial secara besar-besaran dan pembangunan-pembangunan yang lain tanpa terlebih dahulu mendapat izin dan persetujuan dari kami;

2. Pencerobohan oleh syarikat-syarikat swasta tersebut telah melanggar adat, budaya dan tatasusila kaum masyarakat kami. Syarikat-syarikat tersebut juga tidak menghormati Hak Adat kami dan telah mencabuli hak tanah NCR kami terutamanya ke atas “Pulau” dan “Pemakai Menoa” kami;

3. Kerajaan Negeri Sarawak sering kali mengeluarkan “Provisional Lease” dan lesen pembalakan sebarangan kepada syarikat-syarikat swasta yang melibatkan kawasan Tanah Adat kami tanpa terlebih dahulu memaklum dan mendapat keizinan bebas kami (without our free prior informed consent);

4. Tempoh 60 hari daripada tarikh warta dikeluarkan oleh Kerajaan Negeri kepada masyarakat kami untuk mengemukakan tuntutan pampasan ganti-rugi terhadap harta-benda kami sekiranya Tanah Adat kami diambil milik /dihapus (acquired) oleh Kerajaan Negeri adalah terlalu singkat dan warta tersebut tidak tersebar ke semua lapisan masyarakat kami;

5. Pampasan yang kami terima daripada Kerajaan Negeri jika Tanah Adat kami diambil milik oleh Kerajaan adalah hanya untuk harta-benda dan tanaman yang terdapat di atas Tanah Adat kami dan tidak termasuk nilai sebenar tanah tersebut. Pampasan yang diterima untuk harta-benda dan tanaman kami juga tidak setimpal dengan nilai pasaran terkini;

6. Kebanyakkan Tanah Adat kami tidak mempunyai rekod atau dokumen rasmi yang mengesahkan bahawa Tanah Adat yang kami duduki adalah hak milik kami. Kerajaan Negeri tidak menjalankan survei pemetaan ke atas sempadan kawasan Tanah Adat kami oleh itu sering terjadi konflik di antara pihak kami dengan syarikat-syarikat swasta;

7. Akibat daripada aktiviti-aktiviti pembalakan, perladangan dan industri-industri ekstraktif yang dilaksanakan di atas Tanah Adat kami maka terjadinya kerosakkan terhadap tanaman-tanaman serta harta benda kami. Pencemaran alam sekitar juga sering berlaku, contohnya berlakunya tanah runtuh, air sungai menjadi keruh dan cetek akibat lumpur lalu mengakibatkan banjir dan serta menjejaskan sumber air minuman kami.

Dengan Kenyataan ini kami mengesa SUHAKAM untuk meyarankan Kerajaan Pusat dan Kerajaan Negeri Sarawak untuk:

1. melindungi Hak Adat (NCR) dan hak-hak kami di atas tanah adat serta sumber daya kami dengan meminda Seksyen 5(3) Kanun Tanah Sarawak (Sarawak Land Code) berkenaan dengan penghapusan Hak Adat masyarakat Orang Asal ke atas Tanah Adat untuk tujuan umum di mana sebelum hak masyarakat orang asal ke atas Tanah Adat dihapuskan suatu sesi dialog harus diadakan dengan masyarakat yang terlibat;

2. menjalan survei pemetaan dan merekodkan semua tanah NCR masyarakat Orang Asal di Sarawak serta memberikan dokumen rasmi yang mengesahkan hak milik Orang Asal ke atas Tanah Adat, dengan ini, konflik tentang kawasan dan hak-hak tanah antara masyarakat orang asal dan kerajaan dapat di atasi;

3. menghentikan pengeluaran “provisional lease” dan lesen pembalakan secara sebarangan kepada syarikat-syarikat perladangan dan pembalakan yang melibatkan kawasan tanah NCR kami sehingga survei pemetaan dapat dilaksanakan untuk menentukkan lokasi dan keluasan “Provisional Lease” dan lesan balak tersebut dan mengeluarkannya daripada Tanah Adat kami sekiranya didapati telah memasuki kawasan tersebut;

4. mengarahkan syarikat-syarikat swasta yang beroperasi dalam kawasan Tanah Adat kami untuk menghentikan kegiatan mereka dengan segera sehingga pertikaian hak ke atas tanah tersebut diselesaikan;

5. menghapuskan tempoh 60 hari untuk warta kerajaan yang mewartakan pengambilan hak milik Tanah Adat kepada Tanah Kerajaan dan sebaliknya mengadakan perbincangan dengan semua pemilik tanah yang terlibat sehingga sebuah penyelesaian dipersetujui oleh semua pihak;

6. mengumum dan mengedar salinan warta kerajaan tentang projek atau rancangan kerajaan yang berkaitan dengan hak NCR kami kepada tiap-tiap rumah panjang/kampung di kawasan yang terlibat/terjejas oleh warta tersebut;

7. memberitahu dan mengadakan perjumpaan dengan semua lapisan masyarakat rumah panjang/kampung mengenai perancangan pembangunan tanah adat di kawasan kami, seterusnya menghormati segala keputusan yang diambil oleh masyarakat kami;

8. membayar pampasan untuk Tanah Adat yang diambil milik oleh kerajaan yang setimpal dengan nilai pasaran terkini dan tidak terhad kepada tanam-tanaman dan harta-benda di atas tanah tetapi termasuk nilai sebenar tanah tersebut;

9. mengubal dan meminda undang-undang yang melibatkan hak masyarakat Orang Asal supaya ia mesra Orang Asal serta menyokong undang-undang adat masyarakat Orang Asal demi memperkukuhkan hak mereka dan bukannya menghakis hak tersebut;

10. meminda Kanun Tanah Sarawak untuk khususnya memasuki “pulau”, “temuda” dan “pemakai menoa” di bawah definisi Tanah Adat Orang Asal (Native Customary Land) di bawah Seksyen 2 Kanun tersebut;

11. meminda Bahagian IV “Practice of Land Surveyors ETC.” Seksyen 17 Ordinan Jurukur Tanah (Land Surveyors Ordinance) yang mengatakan “without prejudice to Section 104 of the Code, no person shall unless he is a land surveyor” dengan “Nothing in this Ordinance shall affect the righ of any person, not being a land surveyor to undertake surveys other than title surveys”.

12. menubuhkan suatu pesuruhanjaya bebas khas (National Native Land Commission) untuk mengendali hal-hal dan menyelesaikan isu-isu yang melibatkan hak masyarakat Orang Asal di Malaysia.

Maka kami dengan sebulat suara menyatakan sokongan kami ke atas usaha yang diambil untuk menyelesaikan isu-isu dan masalah-masalah kami seperti di atas:


1. Jetli Jelian
Persatuan Kebajikan Masyarakat Nanga Tada (PKMNT), Kanowit

2. Usang Ak Labit
Persatuan Gerempong Anembiak Pelugau (GAP), Balingian

3. Nyalau Ak Geli
Sarawak Dayak Iban Association (SADIA)

4. Bangau Ak Panggai
Persatuan Gerempong Rakyat Ulu Balingian – Ai Tepus (GERUBAT)

5. TR. Siba Ak Bunsu
Jaringan Tanah Hak Adat Bangsa Asal Sarawak (TAHABAS)

6. TR. Banyang Ak Ramai
ADC Rumah Banyang & Rumah Agam, Bintulu

7. Ibi Ak Uding
Sarawak Dayak Iban Association (SADIA), Kpg. Merakai, Serian

8. Unus Ak Kalom
Sarawak Dayak Iban Association (SADIA), Kpg. Sebuyau, Simunjan

9. Limi Ak Kundi
Melikin Bukar Sadong Association (MEBUSA), Kpg. Pa’on Gahat, Serian

10. TR. Christopher Ak Ambu
Strap Ulu Land Development Action Committee (SULDAC), Sri Aman

11. Masa Ak Nangkai
Strap Ulu Land Development Action Committee (SULDAC), Sri Aman

12. Jacob Ak Imang
Strap Ulu Land Development Action Committee (SULDAC), Sri Aman

13. Anthony Belon
Strap Ulu Land Development Action Committee (SULDAC), Sri Aman

14. TR. Engkana Ak Talap
Strap Ulu Land Development Action Committee (SULDAC), Sri Aman

15. Maurice Ak Aben
Persatuan Kebajikan Masyarakat Nanga Tada (PKMNT), Kanowit

16. Jesus Robin Ak Timboo
Persatuan Masyarakat Sungai Gelasah – Suai, Suai

17. Francis Ak Imban
Persatuan Masyarakat Iban Bong-Teru, Tinjar, Baram (BICA)

18. Pauli bin Amus
Kpg. Hilir Meludam, Betong

19. Kathleen Supang
Kpg. Abok, Pantu, Sri Aman

20. Walter Chambers Najod

21. Alias Bon Ak Ulat
Persatuan Rumah Ulat, Sungai Manong, Niah

22. Jeron Ak Loben

23. Bihai Ak Nyah
JKKK Krokong, Bau

Hakikat NCR

Sumber: Asas Tanah NCR Kayan Kenyah Diperjadikan: Adet Kayan Kenyah 1994, Seksyen 84
Oleh: Temenggong Pahang Deng Anyi.

Clause 23: …..Hakikatnya, sejak tahun 1970 memang Ketua Masyarakat Kayan Kenyah sudah berkali-kali dan bermati-matian momohon Kerajaan menyukat tanah dan memohon surat-surat yang perlu. Kerajaan selalu menjawab tidak perlu memberi surat tanah temuda. Dengan alasan tanah NCR tidak boleh diambil oleh orang lain kerana ia diiktiraf oleh kerajaan. Kebun-kebun adalah sebagai geran tanah kamu yang di pedalaman. Kampung kamu sudah beratus tahun berada di sana itulah sebagai bukti dan geran tanah kamu katanya. Tetapi yang terjadi sekarang kompeni tidak peduli. Apabila tuntutan dan permintaan orang tempatan tidak ditunai dan tidak dipedulikan oleh kompeni, terpaksalah mereka mengambil tindakan Undang-Undang, malah juga melanggar undang-undang bagi meneggakan keadilan serta menuntut hak mereka. Perkara ini harus diberi perhatian sewajarnya oleh pihak kerajaan dan mempastikan masyarakat kami tidak ditindas, disamping hak kami wajib dihormati.

Peta kawasan tanah NCR di kawasan Baram yang habis digondol..!

Peta kawasan tanah NCR di kawasan Baram yang habis digondol..!

Bantahan Terhadap Pembalakan

Bantahan Terhadap Pembalakan

Blockage by Penan at Ulu Selaan against the logging company

Blockage by Penan at Ulu Selaan against the logging company

Dispute over Native's Land

Dispute over Native's Land