Perbezaan pendapat dan ideologi politik kadang-kadang menghangatkan ruangan komen di laman email. Baru-baru ini, En Dick Bala Ngimat dan juga merupakan Pengerusi Rurum Kelabit Bahagian Miri memberi respond di dalam rangkaian email tersebut. Sejurus selepas itu, berbagai maklum balas dilemparkan terhadap beliau terutamanya berkenaan dengan pendirian politik beliau dan juga komen meliar hingga menyentuh peribadi beliau. Walaubagaimanapun email yang di lampirkan di bawah banyak mengundang kritikan dan juga limpahan komen yang tidak puas hati dengan kenyataan dan pendirian beliau.
(Dipetik dari rangkaian email)
From: Mr DB
Date: Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 3:51 PM
Subject: Re: Some kind of treat Mr DB?
To: Mr X
Mr CG,
You and your group are totally inhumane. Let me ask you this. Do you guys go to church? If so then pray for forgiveness at how you hate people.
Let me put it this way too from History's perspective. Who have a better logic to claim they are NATIVES OF SARAWAK as compared to Chinese who have settled in Sibu, Kuching and elsewhere in Sarawak long before some natives moved to Usun Apau and Ulu Baram.? As for us Kelabit, there has been recent study saying we have inhibited the Highlands more then 4000 years. I have pinned up the chart in RURUM Office , Seberkas Commercial Centre.
But here you guys saying Orang Ulu have been robbed of their NCR lands. Charles, my contention is the same as you guys. Yes we fight for our right but do we do it by blogging? I am a target by your group just because in my first e-mail I proposed we adopt professional modality to profile our Orang Ullu issues and prioritize how we go about to achieve them.
For your info, yesterday I have worked with a JKR friend to do a paper for Dato Sri Idris and Datu Ose to present to PM on the 7th prior to his Ba Kelalan visit so that he approves budget for the Ba Kelalan/Bario road which is just 40 KM. This is a n eg of how we prioritize our needs/issues. Of course we want the Bario/Miri road. But that may cost a billion. For that reason some support the Baram dam provided the affected inhabitants are given win win deal. So that is what I say we profile the issue. But you guys just blog and in your blog you call it FISH POND.
Ok lah Charles, how bad you guys try to portray me, my many professional Kelabits and other Orang Ulu, Chinese and Malay friends know who Dick Bala is. I am not worried when you guys heaped all kinds of rubbish on me. But once you bring in my innocent family members, then you guys are not HUMAN and professional at all. That is dirty politic per se.
By the way, I know your identity but I am not going to stoop down to your people level and spread sheet about you guys in the blog. That would make me the same as you guys. You see I response to you alone but you copied the whole world to disparage me. That speaks allot about our characters.
From: MR DB
Date: Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 3:14 PM
Subject: My Comment On This Thread
To: Mr CG
Mr CG,
Thanks for prompting me to response and use my name abbreviation, BN and not DH like what Burak did. BN stands for my Kelabit name when we change name after our first child. It stands for Bala Ngimat . Recently I added in DBN which stands for Dick Bala Ngimat. That is because my nephew, Datu Robert Lian whose Kelabit Name is Balang Ngalibun (BN) . So just to differentiate and not to offend any Non BN supporters. My child that got me that honour is now working in KL. To share with you, , me and my brother spent RM10 K each for that party.
Now on to the subject you touched in your posting. I agree with you, our support for the Gov't is not blind support. I think I am older then most of you I copied this e-mail. I went to study in Primary 5 & 6 at Bukit Sabun Primary school in Long Lama. We travelled over-land from Bario through Lio Mattu and by boat to Long Lama. I have visited Long Laput and Tinjar then. As you said and contrary to what some said that BN Gov't did not bring any development to Baram. We became independent on 16-09-1963. There was no Upper Primary School in the Kelabit area. In The whole of Baram, there were 2 in Marudi and 1 in Long Lama. Now after 49 years we have several in Baram, many Secondary School and clinics too.
If we talk about road, I know part of the story from Datu Jabu and Datu Ose. Our first Orang Ulu lawyer, Datu Stephen Wan Ulok in PBB at that time was not preferred by us. We voted for SNAP in the then the late Dato Sri Balan and .Dato Luhat Wan. When Kebing was also in PBB, we voted for SNAP. Later, we changed our preferences because we were angry with the loggings. We voted for Harrison ngau and Kebing Wan who were in the opposition. That was how it was explained to me why Lapo road is like that!
I have since retired and I slogged hard to compliment the gov't to bring development into Bario area. We did a different kind of deal with Samling than what you guys did for your respective area. We did not want them to play us out village by village so we got 14 villages to stick together to deal and eventually signed ONE MOU with them which I shared with Cr. Simpson as they wanted similar strategy for Kedaya Telang Usan. Burak, that was why I proposed you guys organize us FORM for us to profile our Orang Ulu issues. I have used it for our Dialogue Team with Samling , for the Team on the Rural Air Service (RAS) with FAX and later MASWinbgs. You commented to me that these were cosmetic solutions. The Forum I proposed we use Joseph Bennon's modality.
I went to MU to attend International Law conference on Natives right from 25th to 26th this month ( some of you may have attended as I suspected) . My observation was , a few of the professors were highly academically qualified in their fields, but they did a poor presentation of their materials. I went for this seminar on how to do presentation and the moderator emphasized on the technique ROPE.
As regards to land issue. We are partly to be blamed. We have inherited an old culture which may in to-day's economic and diverse culture have to be reinvent. This is where BURAK you have to bring the best of Orang Ulu mind to sort this out. No amount of blogging could address this. Now the S'wak and Sabah labs came up with perimeter survey, some natives have misgivings for it. As for RURUM and I was appointed the Coordinator for the 24 villages focal persons, we have problems from the few villages who are against it. To me, perimeter survey is the solution for us in Bario before the road comes in and land for development would be a contention. When access road was built from Samling end of the road to Bario, people went in to clear the land to claim. There are 2 people who bypassed 2 villages and went to clear in my kpg area. So how to do individual title survey if we amongst ourselves in the villages do not recognize another Kpg's boundary and what more to say amongst siblings. They may cut each others' throat.
Charles, as for my own land in my kpg about 100 acres, I have fenced it to protect my buffaloes from marauding into others land and into my wet padi field and help themselves to my precious Bario rice - the best grain of Bario rice is from my kpg as confirmed by Mdm Teo of research unit of Agriculkture Dept as my village is between 4,000 to 5,000 feet above sea level. Bario is above 3,000 feet.
So Mr CG, you now have some insight into my thought why I did not want to spar with these guys. For one, they use pseud names and the moment you do not say things to their liking, they condemn you and say uncomplimentary things. I have been by my laptop since morning as I have been waiting for my JKR engineer the design and costing of 3 bailey bridges for Bario. I have to draft the letter for our RURUM President to sign and our Bario Penghulu( he is busy) to request for funding. My nature is I do not go to the papers and highlight the bridges conditions. I prefer to do the practical thing.
Long sharing Mr CG.
P/S: Mr.KK - You said in your posting that I am polishing BN balls as I want to be Bario Penghulu. If you are a TRUE PROFESSIONAL who has some semblance of integrity , you should not make a guessing game ands broadcast it to the whole world. That would make people suspect what you say and going to say from now on. Now let me let the cat out and it is totally the opposite version so I can call you a liar on this. When the Ex-Pemanca ( Dato Sri Idris's father) was about to call it time to go, he called me and my wife to his son-in-laws house one evening. He said Datu Ose recommended that I apply and he gave me 2 weeks to think about it. When 2 weeks passed he called me from Marudi that the D.O is waiting for my application. I apologetically said to him that me and my wife are not prepared to stay in Bario as I do not have a house there but in another kpg which does not have motorable road. So read this properly an put on your specs if you wear one. Any semblance that I am desperate for the post?
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