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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Reaksi Terhadap Keputusan Kebing Wan Untuk Bertanding Bagi DUN N67

Pengumuman untuk bertanding oleh Kebing Wan pada pilanraya negeri bagi DUN N67 Telang Usan mengudang beberapa reaksi seperti dibawah.Antara lain, penglibatan Kebing Wan kali ini dianggap menjejaskan peluang satu-lawan-satu antara BN dan PKR serta memecah jumlah undi. Ada yang beranggapan bahawa beliau terlalu lama dalam politik dan sehaluan dengan agenda BN dimana beliau pernah berkhidmat dulu.Kini banyak suara inginkan kepada mengetengahkan muka baru, berpendidikan, cergas serta berwawasan untuk menerajui kepimpinan OU di Baram.

Source: From circulated email

The impending election is Do or Die! for PR. Its Now Or Never!
We want a credible candidate with integrity & who is willing to self-sacrifice for the community.

Kebing, your time is over! Please step aside & let a new young blood intellectual with a university degree take over.

It is reliably told that during DUN sitting:
* You were not very vocal & play safe lest you rub Taib's feather the wrong way.
* Like the rest of BN people, you don't have the guts to voice out the inspirations of the Dayak.
* You always play according to the tune of BN so as not to cause any offense. Hoping that PBB would take you back & field as a candidate in Baram.
* Your marriage life is broken beyond repair.
* You have the same sickness as Robert Laing, having extra marital affair with other women. Both of you are not fit to be our leader.

Kebing if you insist to stand this coming election, its for the following reasons:
1. You are selfish & only thinking of yourself NOT the community.
2. You have an inflated ego & self vested interests.
3. You are an opportunist when you found out more & more people are for PR ...& don't misunderstand its NOT because they want Kebing.
4. You are paid by BN to split the vote.
5. You have always been a PBB in action, mind & Spirit. A leopard will not change its spot.
6. You are Fat, Old & Slow!!!!


I think personally Kebing should retired from being a candidate for telang usan especially for PR/apposition. He don’t have much saleable value and be more of a liability than an asset for the PR. If he become a PR candidate, sure lose as people don’t see him now as a credible person with his political baggage and family problem. He is more of political opportunist rather than a genuine integrity political leader. He seem to want to stand in every election without giving way or supporting others candidacy.

If PR is going to choose him, he is going to make them lose the telang usan seat. I would rather that he don’t contest and some one from PKR to stand. Furthermore SNAP now is not as it was before. They are perceive to be weak with little influence and the leaders at the helm are mostly ex-BN, rather old and unenergetic .


This kind of spirit is a good one and never get faded or undivided to support PR in the coming DUN election soon. However, why can we have a young man and very energertic from BARAM agains't the BN opponent? I think new broom always sweep well compare to old broom? Please do not get mad coz this is just a comment for the betterment of OUNA society in BARAM. I always give my undivided support to any one of them as long as the wellbeing of people from BARAM are well taking care the real quality being a good rep from BARAM MUST come from the bottom of the heart not vise versa for their own wealth or personal interest. If you want to become our rep from BARAM then you have to think twice rather to wast you time coz sooner or later you will loose and lost your deposit. MOST of the people who became REP from BARAM in the past no mater opposition or BN they always give a very good leep services and fooling the people from BARAM and until now. To me this is one of the reason why mostly of our people from BARAM NEVER have a good life and always living under poverty and if this is NOT going to be change by us all as from now we'll be the same till WAWASAN 2020 and forever and ever. THINK about it????????????

Please comment and diseminate it to our fellow friends from BARAM


Uncle Kebing.


I heard you;

1. suddenly have a huge land in Lg Laput territory domain.
2. are million dollar man.
3. were in the politic last two decades.
4. suit the companies encroach, you claimed your land in Pamakai Menao / Daleh.
5. are play boy.
6. broken family.

What did you do so far even a tiny things for the Telang Usan people.

1. The huge land you claimed yours refer to the Lg Laput NCR within the territory domain. Is it the land yours alone!!!!!!!!! i doubt THINK!!!!!!!!!!
2. Since you are million dollar man, i never see any talks or seminars organize by you for the Baram people about their rights!!!!! ect. Yes you did in Long Laput only.
3. I can see your politic mile stone just for your self only not for the people. I can see your aim, when you win the election, you can use your politic influence to protect the land claimed to be yours. Don't forget Greed is killer.
4.Why did you and a team only brought your land to the justice. Why not all the Lg Laput Land!!!!! if you stand for the people!!!!!!!!!
5. Lead your family first before you think to lead the crowd.
6. You are old enough Uncle. We need the energetics, young, educated man now. Time for you to retire. Have a good life with your grandson.......

Think Again For The Sake Of The Telang Usan People.

Let's this as ONE TO ONE fight.



Best Regards



  1. Hah...hah..ha,Kebing wants to stand again? That's his democratic right.He is self-sufficient though not really a Millionaires. He got his money from past timber bussiness and family edible birdnest. Don't blame him for what he has, he is definitely not a conman.

    2.His broken marriage has nothing to do with politics. Please don't go too personal. Quite a big number of our federal and state ministers did have broken marriages and some even have extra marital affairs,yet they continue to win. Ask our Temenggong to resign then because his case is more serious.

    3.Why ask Kebing alone to stop? It shows we are pro-opposition. If we are happy with YB Lihan Jok, we would not talk about Kebing. Should Kebing agrees to quit, who is that young,energetic person capable to win? If we can find a new suitable person, will he be willing to spend his own money like what Kebing has been doing?

    4.Nobody knows who Telang Usang voters really want as their Wakil Rakyat until a Wakil Rakyat is elected. However, ground sources say they don't want Lihan Jok nor Kebing Wan. The game is simple now, if these two men meet again, Lihan Jok will still prevail because voters still need a Wakil Rakyat rather than without one.

    So, Commentators please name the young,energetic,graduate person(s) so that we have the basis to convince Kebing to stop. Maybe BN should replace Lihan Jok with a new deserving Candidate so that Telang Usan seat will be won uncontested.

  2. At least Kebing Wan is not a hypocrite like YB Lihan Jok. Lihan lobbied through Temenggong Pahang, via the internet and even asked his students at SMK Tutoh/Apoh to write essays in his favour during a school holiday yet he claimed to be totally surprised at being nominated as BN candidate.

    2. By the way, is it true Temenggong Pahang has divorced his wife after he kidnapped another man's wife? He made some new laws for the Orang-Ulu community:-

    a) DO NOT shoot pregnant wild boars,
    b) DO NOT catch pregnant fishes,
    c) DO NOT marry your own cousins,
    d) MUST BURY a dead human body within a day and
    e) Women must not go out after 6.00pm.

    3. Lihan is a smart YB as compared to our past YBs. Minutes after he won, he got a brand-new concrete house followed by new Perdana car,etc. He controlled the schools' ration contracts in Baram,reafforestation and hydro projects. He even has share kosong in Pusaka, managed by KTS, Samling, Shin Yang and many more. Lihan is a Milionaire not Kebing.

    4.Please do not condemned Kebing too much. Give what is due to Lihan also. Long Bedian (Lihan's kampong) now has two SIB Churches; one led by Pemanca Laing and the other led by Lihan himself. Kebing might have offended his wife but Lihan has caused far deeper injures to a greater number of people at Long Bedian.

    5.Recently, Lihan has been so active trying to replace certain Ketua Kaum in Telang Usan in the name of developments. It was later revealed that those he has recommended were far behind the existing Ketua kaum in many aspects. It's purely politics,not developments.

    6. Now, please put your proposal in this blog on who should stand against BN in Telang usan.


  3. Build a vote generator on this STU blogspot.
    "Idris Jala Should Return to Sarawak to Lead Sarawak Government" YES or NO

    Appeal to Idris Jala to step down from his Senatorship and go into real politic. Let him form a political party to govern the state of Sarawak. He is the master builder of economics.

  4. PBB is not suitable for Orang Ulu. When Kebing was Chairman PBB Telang Usan,Robert Laing was fielded the candidate.Kebing stood and won against Robert,proving beyond any reasonable doubt the selection of Robert was WRONG. Similarly,when Ding Seling was Chairman, outsider Lihan Jok was fielded. What a hack?????????????????????????????????????

    2.Unfortunately,Ding Seling appeared too loyal to BN or was it because someone in BN was too scared of Ding? If only Ding stood against Lihan the moment he was betrayed he surely could have won by a much bigger majority and possibly a win without contest because Kebing had made known his wish not to contest if Ding was the BN canddidate.Did GOD ever tell the top leadership that Ding
    would loose or did Peter Minos made his report based on what Jabu told him on Lihan Jok?

    3. We go this time. Kebing will not stand. someone else will. The young Orang Ulu in Telang Usan will campaign gentlemanly, no need for personal attack,no need to promise heaven or skies always blue and no need to bribe the voters. If Lihan still win (convincingly) then he can say every project in Telang Usan is a gift from GOD Amen.

  5. Long Semiyang,Ulu Baram: Kampong Long Semiyang kini mempunyai dua orang Ketua Kaum. Ketua Kaum yang pertama dilantik oleh penduduk-penduduk kampong dan yang kedua dilantik oleh YB Lihan Jok melalui orang kanannya Timbalan Residen Miri, Oyo Emang Oyo.

    Kampong Long Bedian,kampong Lihan sendiri,juga mempunyai dua gereja SIB. Jangan terlalu cepat buat komen jahat. Lihan sudah standby jawapannya. Dia akan kata:- Gereja lama tak cukup, orang Penan dan orang dari kem datang sembayang. Di Miri pun ada banyak gereja SIB, dekat-dekat saja.Ini bukan sebab kampong pecahbelah,ini namanya pembangunan baru. Hah...hah...ha, apa nama kalau Temenggong bawa lari isteri orang? Modern thinking atau modern religion? Bagi orang ulu, semuanya itu evil developments.

    Lihan suka buag orang lama. Pilihanraya Negeri akan datang,Lihan akan buang YB Lihan sendiri.


    The mostly illiterate voters in Telang Usan would easily recognise SNAP and take longer times to understand PKR or PR, at least not during this coming state election.Despite PKR wide publicity in town areas, the case is the contrary in the rural area of Telang Usan. BN says it's West Malaysian party and the people just know that part. The people also need to know that Sarawak-based parties have their representatives serving as Ministers,etc,in West Malaysia. YB Jacob Dungau,for example, is from Telang Usan,Sarawak. Explain in details the people will understand.

    The people need to understand the concept of 1Malaysia initiated by the head of Malaysia BN interpreted (positively) to mean 1Malaysia for all political parties, not just for BN parties in West Malaysia or East Malaysia.

    If SNAP has to politically survive (not just a revival) she must select a respectable and credible candidate to represent it in Telang Usan in the coming state election. It's perfectly fair to say a person who has been moving around in the constituency deserves to be selected because he is more well known by the people but qualified opinions don't see that as the main creteria. A person moves around to get his party's attention not yet the people's support.

    Who else is more well-known in Telang Usan than the late Datuk Luhat Wan? He stood elections after elections with more decreasing number of votes lended to him by the people despite effort by relatives and friends to stop him from further humilating himself. The more times he lost the more disrespects his own supporters had on him. People's perception and perspective determine their votes. Once voters in Telang Usan have decided to vote for a new (BN) candidate by the thousands, it's not a mistake anymore, it's solid and the defeated (opposition) candidate should never make a fresh attempt. The same opposition candidate simply cannot win anymore no matter how popular he has been.If the opposition has to fight,a new candidate should be fielded. That's the political reality in Telang Usan.

    It's not yet too late for PR to relook at the overall political pictures in Telang Usan, SNAP in particular (if SNAP is given the seat to contest).

  7. Sekarang, YB Lihan Jok sudah jadi Autokrat di Telang Usan. Lihat dalam Borneo Post, 26 Oktober,2010,gambar Tua Kampung baru Long Semiyang terima sijil perlantikan disaksi oleh Temenggong Nuyang. Apa akan jadi lagi jika tidak pandai angkat avut YB Lihan?

    Rusa yang telah musnahkan padi masih berkeliaran tapi pelanduk yang hanya makan buah yang gugur sendiri ditembak mati.

    Mungkin itulah salah satu petanda.......

  8. Kambing one.. sukup sudah kamu punya masa itu. bagus u adakan "election" untuk cari amoy baru saja. biar lah young engine or org yang lebih MUDA dr kamu bertanding.. life is too short.. dun let people remember u dengan perkara2 yang tidak baik.. untuk Y.B Lihan jok.. kenapa kamu semakin senyap tentang hal isu pembalakan ?? sudah rasa boring ka? mati akal ka? atau tengah cari kereta baru or rumah besar baru?.. u boleh minta tanah dr shin yang di tepi pantai dekat luak .. kan kamu kawan baik mereka.. and one more thing.. uncle lihan tidak sakit belakang or waste money repair kereta kerna jalan lapok itu sungguh "COMFORTABLE" ?? Shame on our Wakil Rakyat..

  9. Is this blogspot suaratelangusan opened by YB Lihan Jok or someone from Telang Usan? It's a mistake if it's opened by YB Lihan Jok because what he receives and reads are mostly what pain him.

    YB Lihan,if you hate someone you don't have to help him but it's wrong to destroy his life. He has childrens and grandchildrens to take care of and maybe other relatives too. You are no.1 in Telang Usan now so nobody need to tell you GOD SHALL CLOSE HEAVEN'S DOOR TO YOU IF SOMEONE YOU HAVE DESTROYED HAS PASSED AWAY WITHOUT FORGIVING YOU UNLESS YOU HAVE VALID REASON TO DESTROY HIM IN THE FIRST PLACE.I think you don't like this but you better believe it.

    Do you like to watch WWE (Wrestling Match)? The wrestlers are not acting- it's real. They fought even to the extend of someone sent to hospital after the match. Even the billionaire Chairman (Vince McMahon)of WWE is not spared. The wrestler(Randy Orton) who kicked the Chairman and put him in hospitals for weeks is still working with WWE, infact currently the WWE Champion. They hit each other physically but they don't destroy each other's rice-bowl.Of course they have contracts. You also have a contract to be fair and do good for the sake of your people regardless of whether they had voted for or against you. A YB like you would have terminated the contracts of so many wrestlers who are against you but not that straight-forward and boastful Chairman of WWE because he is not a hypocrite.

    Anyway, I am nobody even to shake hand with a YB like you so that's why I don't care what you can do to harm me too.

  10. Berapa banyak orang Telang Usan tidak suka Lihan Jok??? dan...siapa orang Telang Usan yang bersedia untuk bertanding menentang Lihan??? Orang Ulu perlu berani menunjukkan kebenaran dan berjuang dengan semangat jitu. Tak perlu banyak cakap. Tapi, Kalau Kebing Wan bertanding,saya pakai parti cap kutu pun boleh kalahkan beliau.

  11. Does Kebing Wan really need to step aside in order for another to succeed? If there is a decent candidate out there then please step forward. All this talk about the young, new & fresh is just idle talk.

    If Kebing Wan is old, slow and outdated..Why should his presence be such a big issue or even a threat?

    I would really like to see this young & educated candidate. Pakailah cap kutu atau cap kuda; just make sure you walk your talk

  12. Saya sokong komen anaktelangusan dan anonymous. Rupanya tiada orang akan beri tentangan hebat kepada YB Lihan dalam pilihanraya akan datang.

    2. Sebagai salah seorang daripada pemerhati-pemerhati politik Telang Usan sejak zaman mendiang Dato Sri Balan, Kebing atau Harrisson atau Mering atau Anyi George atau Roland atau Patrick atau Abu akan tewas oleh YB Lihan.

    3. Mengikut keadaan semasa, tidak boleh dinafikan bilangan orang Telang Usan yang tidak mahu sokong YB Lihan cukup untuk mengalahkan beliau tetapi bukan bermakna mereka akan sokong mana-mana calon pembakang.Hakikatnya,calon pembakang yang mereka sokong tanpa was-was wajib mempunyai ciri-ciri BOLEH MENANG. Mereka tidak mahu tipu diri sokong calon yang mereka anggap sudah pasti KALAH.

    4. Ah.....biey aje YB Lihan terus jodi YB Telang Usan. Sekesekep pun UMONG KOSONG aje. Nak jalen sokong sape pembakang pun asik noreh blakeng aje takut ade oreng embik gambey kite ney sokong salon deh pasti KALEH.

  13. Before it's too late, the Orang Ulu (OU) in Baram must wake up and start the consolidation-wall against any plan to acquire their land. The OU people have lost so much of their natural heritages; their food sources in the jungle and fishes in the rivers decreasing,clear and clean water become muddy, air polluted and even the temperature has become more warm.

    While a small number of the OU youths may be living a comfortable life in towns,about 95% of the OU people still depend a great deal on land and jungles for survival.Even then, the few youths working and staying in town areas are not spared from other forms of socio-economic problems and hardship.Some infact live a more misearable life in towns than their parents at home,obviously because money is scarce while their parents need only their energy and hardwork to find food and of course without having have to abide by any time-table and the do's and dont's. They are their own employers and act as their own employees.

    It's no secret that a big number of the OU youths in towns are in the low-income group. While some can afford to rent low-cost houses others join the Squatters colonies thus exposing them to many real dangers of being chased out by the authourities, hazardous and unhealthy living environment and other social ills and this cannot be allowed to continue for another generation.

    1)Why do the the OU people need to become squatters when they are the landowners in their own areas?

    2)Why do the OU people need to buy timber from the sawmill for their buildings need while they have easy access to the timber in the jungles in their own areas?

    3)Why do the OU youths need to work in town areas earning an average of RM600.00/month when they can earn more in the own areas by working in their rubber garden,planting pepper,cocoa,coffee etc?

    For too long now, timber companies have been reaping billions of ringgit from the OU jungles and outsiders have become millionaires taking control of most of the government contracts in Baram. WHY?????????????????????????????????????

    OU must wake up now and be brave just like the our best friends (the Penans). We must not wait until our jungles and rivers become polluted and empty, we must not allowed outsiders to take control of the economic opportunities in our areas and we must not keep quiet until a non-OU or local becomes our ADUN or MP.

    Just like our government, we don't want a colony to rule us. We don't want outsiders. It is the job of our YBs to protect us from extinction not against us.If our YBs find too many obstacles or stumbling blocks in discharging their responsibilities for their rakyat, they should know the answer and the OU people too know how.

  14. YB Telang Usan nowadays is WILD BEE. He sucks nectar from rakyat and store it for himself on high trees so that ordinary rakyat cannot share it with him. The rakyat only recieve their stings if they come closure to Wild Bee. The Long Semiyang headman and the people recieved their stings because they commentted on the mini hydro project being carried out on gotong royong basis. The Wild Bee cannot stand the comment, so he stung the Lg Semiang. Never mind, the whole voters will burn your hive in this coming election. Burn it!!!, Burn it!!! wewewewewewewewe.............Wild Bee Telang Usan

  15. newOrangUluGenerationFebruary 26, 2011 at 12:46 AM

    why should we still votes for lihan although everyones knows that after he wins our telang usan rakyat never enjoy any developments in our places..Why should you guys insult Kebing Wan???he was trying to help the rakyat of our telang usan people and stoping the goverment from having all the lands in ulu baram....think back what lihan have done to us??why dont we try for kebing wan and see what he can do for our rakyat??we rakyat dont lose anything because we can change leader the next election if he didnt perform well for the rakyat...think about it!!dont let we our orang ulu left behind others in getting development...

  16. All of you pls think wise for our next coming election.Future YB,Where is your working paper if you win the Telang usan. What would you do to Telang Usan.Or you just also omong2 kosong.If just omong2, everyone can omong2 also..

  17. suaratelangusan is quite a unique blog. A few others also exist but under synonyms.Most of the commentators appeared to be experts in criticisms. It's natural,there are many issues to criticize in Telabg Usan and the commentators are entitled to express their views.

    However, what has been hotly touched on last year namely YB Lihan giving preference of support to the logging companies over the Penans blockages, YB Lihan removed Ketua Kaums and appointed his own cronies, YB Lihan own longhouse splitted into two with two churches of the same faith, YB Lihan felt ashamed of the name Orang Ulu and wanted it changed to Lun Dayah which would make the OU more progressive and wealthy, YB Lihan said the dam is a gift from God, YB Lihan said the present BN government is now giving more developments to Telang Usan meaning the same BN government under the same CM did not care about Telang Usan or implying all the previous YBs did not do anything and many more.

    The name OU has existed long before YB Lihan was born and the name Lihan Jok has also been in him since he was born. If he thinks he can change OU to LD then he must be able to change his own name to Judas Carrot Hypo.

    YB Lihan will make BN lose TU and that will be a history because no BN TU "incumbent" has ever lost TU to the opposition. Talking about respect, YB Lihan is the first TU YB that the people hate most especially by his own longhouse people and the Penans.Lihan should tell his boss he wants to give way and not wait for his boss to tell him to retire. Who is Lihan's boss? CM, Jabu or Temenggong? No,no,no, TU people.

    That's the bottom line cos Stone Cold said so.

  18. Kerei nih temenggong seng menjatuhkan YB Lihan..Iha uh tei akei sain lim2 ketua kampung ha' baram.Iha ngenep YB robert Laing ngalui YB Lihan.Jam kelo' avin nun?iha seng cover dari skandal na' na.Iha tek doh simpanan.Then doh sebenar na' atih harin robert laing.Robert seng saman utk tutup mulut robert, iha seng meju robert.kerei nih, lim2 ketua kmpung n ketua masyarakat yg sokong YB lihan uh beralih arah.lim2 pejiek iha..Temenggung yg una' dih sgt sokong YB lihan, kerei nih pejiek iha..Smua anih sala na' avin iha tek skandal.Iha tek rasmikan persatuan daha Ja(Maran).Avin maybe iha rasa melalui persatuan anan deng mebet YB Lihan.Avin YB Lihan hanya org Panyin(biasa).TEMENGGONG TUA GATAL XSEDAR DIRI.

  19. Tayga...tayga, ja yak lan ku? Yu oban gong ja alek-alek maying taylo ku piyat leto du ku? mutun na kidi banek idi ya nda piyat la'a.

  20. I personally appeal to all of you in Long Semiang, Long Banyok, Long Liam, LOng San,Long Nahaa,Long Bedian,Long Pilah, Long Sungai Dua,Long Laput,Long Atip, and any other Long LOng in Baram Lihan is Your animies so who ever BN candidate in telang usan is our Enimies,Iko mbe' Pemanca JOSEPH NGAU LIAN kumbin Lihan Jok ja ti iko kuwa ti anak dia' dumit tua' Iko na ja amai ya' pengemaren biok ke tepat kenyah ji kulo, yu tega Lihan Jok ja ti iko meka.ia cok iko naet ia pekeno tua' sign Renewal appoinment ko Tolah ale laki ja o amai.Tai wo' bada mung kuma tepat kenyah kedaya te pet na laki ji. ngalai ale ia ti kuma tepat meka.

  21. cakap banyak sini pun xda pikir la sendiri..haha

  22. jangan hipokrit....try to be 1 of them n please step forward n show urself to be wakil rakyat see how far u can go... x payah buruk kan org lain...cakap senang tapi tin kosong..

  23. Nah kan....apalah kesudahannya.....Sebelum ini,blog ini ruang untuk memburuk-buruk peribadi orang tertentu..Tapi akhirnya senyap juga...Apalah salah kalau sebelum ini bagi lah pendapat yang dapat membina Orang Ulu.Bukan untuk memfitnah peribadi tertentu...Tak da maknanya..Ayuh lah OU...kita ada akal dan pemikiran.Oleh itu gunakanlah akal dan pemikiran untuk membawa perubahan kepada OU..

  24. Kalau takda ruang seperti ini, kita OU takkan dapat bercakap secara bersekemuka. Sekurang-kurangnya kita dapat dengar pendapat seseorang. Fitnah atau apapun, takda salahnya...kita orang berakal, berbudi, berpendidikan boleh memikirkan mana yang betul mana yang salah. Kalau takda rung macam ni untuk kita sembang-sembang, lu nak cakap dengan pokok getah? atau pokok kelapa sawit untuk luahkan perasaan? Apa yang kengkawan kita cakap tu bukan semuanya bohong tapi tak semuanya betul...tapi Lu pikirlah sendiri.....

  25. Congratulation YB Dennis Ngau!!! Walaupun sokongan OU nampak berkurang kali ini, itu tidak bererti OU tidak menyokong YB. Buktikan YB mampu berkhidmat dengan baik untuk kita OU dan do have a proper development planning within this 5 yrs. Dan banyakkan jalan-jalan dan turun padang. You can Win the heart and mind of the OU again if you did it the right way..! Kita OU bukan jenis pendendam. Bagi saya sendiri, OU tidak seharusnya menjatuhkan hukuman terhadap YB hanya kerana mempunyai pertalian dengan mantan YB kita yang lepas. Itu tidak adil. Walau bagaimanapun, apa yang berlalu biarkan berlalu, mulakan tugas dengan sebaiknya dan sekali lagi syabas dan selamat maju jaya.

  26. Do not waste any time for talking crap here. U peeps dont have guts. Cakap jer lebeh...but never stand up and contest!

  27. Orang ulu to lun dayah???fuck off


Please post your comment on the subject.




Ways Forward

Kenyataan Mesyuarat Masyarakat Orang Asal Sarawak Sempena Seminar Mengenai Hak Tanah Orang Asal Yang Dianjurkan

27 – 29 Mac 2005
Hotel Harbour View, Kuching

KAMI, Ketua-Ketua masyarakat, ahli-ahli Jawantankuasa Kemajuan dan Keselamatan Kampung (JKKK), ahli-ahli Persatuan-Persatuan Orang Asal, ahli-ahli Persatuan Rumah Panjang/Kampung serta wakil-wakil Rumah Panjang masyarakat Orang Asal di Sarawak telah bermesyuarat di Hotel Habour View, Kuching, Sarawak pada 28 – 29 Mac 2005 sempena Seminar mengenai Hak Tanah Orang Asal yang dianjurkan oleh SUHAKAM untuk membincangkan masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat kami.

Terlebih dahulu, kami ingin menyampaikan setinggi-tinggi tahniah dan terima kasih kepada pihak SUHAKAM kerana memulakan inisiatif untuk menganjurkan Seminar sebegini yang julung kali diadakan untuk seluruh Negeri Sarawak. Adalah diharapkan bahawa inisiatif sebegini dapat diteruskan oleh pihak SUHAKAM bukan sahaja di Sarawak tetapi di seluruh Malaysia demi melindungi hak Orang Asal di Negara yang kita cintai ini.

Hasil daripada perbincangan tersebut, kami telah mengenal pasti isu dan masalah yang sedang kami hadapi seperti berikut:

1. Kawasan Tanah Adat kami diceroboh oleh syarikat-syarikat swasta untuk menjalankan aktiviti-aktiviti pembalakan, perladangan komersial secara besar-besaran dan pembangunan-pembangunan yang lain tanpa terlebih dahulu mendapat izin dan persetujuan dari kami;

2. Pencerobohan oleh syarikat-syarikat swasta tersebut telah melanggar adat, budaya dan tatasusila kaum masyarakat kami. Syarikat-syarikat tersebut juga tidak menghormati Hak Adat kami dan telah mencabuli hak tanah NCR kami terutamanya ke atas “Pulau” dan “Pemakai Menoa” kami;

3. Kerajaan Negeri Sarawak sering kali mengeluarkan “Provisional Lease” dan lesen pembalakan sebarangan kepada syarikat-syarikat swasta yang melibatkan kawasan Tanah Adat kami tanpa terlebih dahulu memaklum dan mendapat keizinan bebas kami (without our free prior informed consent);

4. Tempoh 60 hari daripada tarikh warta dikeluarkan oleh Kerajaan Negeri kepada masyarakat kami untuk mengemukakan tuntutan pampasan ganti-rugi terhadap harta-benda kami sekiranya Tanah Adat kami diambil milik /dihapus (acquired) oleh Kerajaan Negeri adalah terlalu singkat dan warta tersebut tidak tersebar ke semua lapisan masyarakat kami;

5. Pampasan yang kami terima daripada Kerajaan Negeri jika Tanah Adat kami diambil milik oleh Kerajaan adalah hanya untuk harta-benda dan tanaman yang terdapat di atas Tanah Adat kami dan tidak termasuk nilai sebenar tanah tersebut. Pampasan yang diterima untuk harta-benda dan tanaman kami juga tidak setimpal dengan nilai pasaran terkini;

6. Kebanyakkan Tanah Adat kami tidak mempunyai rekod atau dokumen rasmi yang mengesahkan bahawa Tanah Adat yang kami duduki adalah hak milik kami. Kerajaan Negeri tidak menjalankan survei pemetaan ke atas sempadan kawasan Tanah Adat kami oleh itu sering terjadi konflik di antara pihak kami dengan syarikat-syarikat swasta;

7. Akibat daripada aktiviti-aktiviti pembalakan, perladangan dan industri-industri ekstraktif yang dilaksanakan di atas Tanah Adat kami maka terjadinya kerosakkan terhadap tanaman-tanaman serta harta benda kami. Pencemaran alam sekitar juga sering berlaku, contohnya berlakunya tanah runtuh, air sungai menjadi keruh dan cetek akibat lumpur lalu mengakibatkan banjir dan serta menjejaskan sumber air minuman kami.

Dengan Kenyataan ini kami mengesa SUHAKAM untuk meyarankan Kerajaan Pusat dan Kerajaan Negeri Sarawak untuk:

1. melindungi Hak Adat (NCR) dan hak-hak kami di atas tanah adat serta sumber daya kami dengan meminda Seksyen 5(3) Kanun Tanah Sarawak (Sarawak Land Code) berkenaan dengan penghapusan Hak Adat masyarakat Orang Asal ke atas Tanah Adat untuk tujuan umum di mana sebelum hak masyarakat orang asal ke atas Tanah Adat dihapuskan suatu sesi dialog harus diadakan dengan masyarakat yang terlibat;

2. menjalan survei pemetaan dan merekodkan semua tanah NCR masyarakat Orang Asal di Sarawak serta memberikan dokumen rasmi yang mengesahkan hak milik Orang Asal ke atas Tanah Adat, dengan ini, konflik tentang kawasan dan hak-hak tanah antara masyarakat orang asal dan kerajaan dapat di atasi;

3. menghentikan pengeluaran “provisional lease” dan lesen pembalakan secara sebarangan kepada syarikat-syarikat perladangan dan pembalakan yang melibatkan kawasan tanah NCR kami sehingga survei pemetaan dapat dilaksanakan untuk menentukkan lokasi dan keluasan “Provisional Lease” dan lesan balak tersebut dan mengeluarkannya daripada Tanah Adat kami sekiranya didapati telah memasuki kawasan tersebut;

4. mengarahkan syarikat-syarikat swasta yang beroperasi dalam kawasan Tanah Adat kami untuk menghentikan kegiatan mereka dengan segera sehingga pertikaian hak ke atas tanah tersebut diselesaikan;

5. menghapuskan tempoh 60 hari untuk warta kerajaan yang mewartakan pengambilan hak milik Tanah Adat kepada Tanah Kerajaan dan sebaliknya mengadakan perbincangan dengan semua pemilik tanah yang terlibat sehingga sebuah penyelesaian dipersetujui oleh semua pihak;

6. mengumum dan mengedar salinan warta kerajaan tentang projek atau rancangan kerajaan yang berkaitan dengan hak NCR kami kepada tiap-tiap rumah panjang/kampung di kawasan yang terlibat/terjejas oleh warta tersebut;

7. memberitahu dan mengadakan perjumpaan dengan semua lapisan masyarakat rumah panjang/kampung mengenai perancangan pembangunan tanah adat di kawasan kami, seterusnya menghormati segala keputusan yang diambil oleh masyarakat kami;

8. membayar pampasan untuk Tanah Adat yang diambil milik oleh kerajaan yang setimpal dengan nilai pasaran terkini dan tidak terhad kepada tanam-tanaman dan harta-benda di atas tanah tetapi termasuk nilai sebenar tanah tersebut;

9. mengubal dan meminda undang-undang yang melibatkan hak masyarakat Orang Asal supaya ia mesra Orang Asal serta menyokong undang-undang adat masyarakat Orang Asal demi memperkukuhkan hak mereka dan bukannya menghakis hak tersebut;

10. meminda Kanun Tanah Sarawak untuk khususnya memasuki “pulau”, “temuda” dan “pemakai menoa” di bawah definisi Tanah Adat Orang Asal (Native Customary Land) di bawah Seksyen 2 Kanun tersebut;

11. meminda Bahagian IV “Practice of Land Surveyors ETC.” Seksyen 17 Ordinan Jurukur Tanah (Land Surveyors Ordinance) yang mengatakan “without prejudice to Section 104 of the Code, no person shall unless he is a land surveyor” dengan “Nothing in this Ordinance shall affect the righ of any person, not being a land surveyor to undertake surveys other than title surveys”.

12. menubuhkan suatu pesuruhanjaya bebas khas (National Native Land Commission) untuk mengendali hal-hal dan menyelesaikan isu-isu yang melibatkan hak masyarakat Orang Asal di Malaysia.

Maka kami dengan sebulat suara menyatakan sokongan kami ke atas usaha yang diambil untuk menyelesaikan isu-isu dan masalah-masalah kami seperti di atas:


1. Jetli Jelian
Persatuan Kebajikan Masyarakat Nanga Tada (PKMNT), Kanowit

2. Usang Ak Labit
Persatuan Gerempong Anembiak Pelugau (GAP), Balingian

3. Nyalau Ak Geli
Sarawak Dayak Iban Association (SADIA)

4. Bangau Ak Panggai
Persatuan Gerempong Rakyat Ulu Balingian – Ai Tepus (GERUBAT)

5. TR. Siba Ak Bunsu
Jaringan Tanah Hak Adat Bangsa Asal Sarawak (TAHABAS)

6. TR. Banyang Ak Ramai
ADC Rumah Banyang & Rumah Agam, Bintulu

7. Ibi Ak Uding
Sarawak Dayak Iban Association (SADIA), Kpg. Merakai, Serian

8. Unus Ak Kalom
Sarawak Dayak Iban Association (SADIA), Kpg. Sebuyau, Simunjan

9. Limi Ak Kundi
Melikin Bukar Sadong Association (MEBUSA), Kpg. Pa’on Gahat, Serian

10. TR. Christopher Ak Ambu
Strap Ulu Land Development Action Committee (SULDAC), Sri Aman

11. Masa Ak Nangkai
Strap Ulu Land Development Action Committee (SULDAC), Sri Aman

12. Jacob Ak Imang
Strap Ulu Land Development Action Committee (SULDAC), Sri Aman

13. Anthony Belon
Strap Ulu Land Development Action Committee (SULDAC), Sri Aman

14. TR. Engkana Ak Talap
Strap Ulu Land Development Action Committee (SULDAC), Sri Aman

15. Maurice Ak Aben
Persatuan Kebajikan Masyarakat Nanga Tada (PKMNT), Kanowit

16. Jesus Robin Ak Timboo
Persatuan Masyarakat Sungai Gelasah – Suai, Suai

17. Francis Ak Imban
Persatuan Masyarakat Iban Bong-Teru, Tinjar, Baram (BICA)

18. Pauli bin Amus
Kpg. Hilir Meludam, Betong

19. Kathleen Supang
Kpg. Abok, Pantu, Sri Aman

20. Walter Chambers Najod

21. Alias Bon Ak Ulat
Persatuan Rumah Ulat, Sungai Manong, Niah

22. Jeron Ak Loben

23. Bihai Ak Nyah
JKKK Krokong, Bau

Hakikat NCR

Sumber: Asas Tanah NCR Kayan Kenyah Diperjadikan: Adet Kayan Kenyah 1994, Seksyen 84
Oleh: Temenggong Pahang Deng Anyi.

Clause 23: …..Hakikatnya, sejak tahun 1970 memang Ketua Masyarakat Kayan Kenyah sudah berkali-kali dan bermati-matian momohon Kerajaan menyukat tanah dan memohon surat-surat yang perlu. Kerajaan selalu menjawab tidak perlu memberi surat tanah temuda. Dengan alasan tanah NCR tidak boleh diambil oleh orang lain kerana ia diiktiraf oleh kerajaan. Kebun-kebun adalah sebagai geran tanah kamu yang di pedalaman. Kampung kamu sudah beratus tahun berada di sana itulah sebagai bukti dan geran tanah kamu katanya. Tetapi yang terjadi sekarang kompeni tidak peduli. Apabila tuntutan dan permintaan orang tempatan tidak ditunai dan tidak dipedulikan oleh kompeni, terpaksalah mereka mengambil tindakan Undang-Undang, malah juga melanggar undang-undang bagi meneggakan keadilan serta menuntut hak mereka. Perkara ini harus diberi perhatian sewajarnya oleh pihak kerajaan dan mempastikan masyarakat kami tidak ditindas, disamping hak kami wajib dihormati.

Peta kawasan tanah NCR di kawasan Baram yang habis digondol..!

Peta kawasan tanah NCR di kawasan Baram yang habis digondol..!

Bantahan Terhadap Pembalakan

Bantahan Terhadap Pembalakan

Blockage by Penan at Ulu Selaan against the logging company

Blockage by Penan at Ulu Selaan against the logging company

Dispute over Native's Land

Dispute over Native's Land